A Wait Ends and a Journey Begins: Mitsubishi Pajero Sport Silver AT

Thread Starter #46
Jul 31, 2014
Sirji, I have stuck to the option they have as standard from Motul (mitsubishi preferred and tested) - simply go for the synthetic liquid gold for now - i dont want to take a chance during the warranty anyways - beyond warranty i might explore mobil, but for now just stick to the ones from the SVC , they would do just well!

Unless you are planning an extreme trip up north - stick to the usual one.

Iron Rock, did you consider other oils? I am thinking that if a 10W40 variant were there, I would go for that. Why drop the viscosity all the way to 5? In India, things quickly heat up anyway...I would be out of warranty next service.

Also, on a separate note, which would be the recommended oil for my Hyundai i20 Petrol? Also out of warranty. Thanks in advance.
Dec 1, 2011
Yes Sir i am moving to Shell 5W-40 fully synthetic oil shortly. Multigrade oils work differently to single grade oils, the benefit you get is the range of temperatures/environment they can operate. If you live in Mumbai , you dont need 5W or 10W probably, but a Leh trip and kinds it helps as your range in which oil operates(and retains its properties) increases.

Some wiki gyan

The temperature range the oil is exposed to in most vehicles can be wide, ranging from cold temperatures in the winter before the vehicle is started up, to hot operating temperatures when the vehicle is fully warmed up in hot summer weather. A specific oil will have high viscosity when cold and a lower viscosity at the engine's operating temperature. The difference in viscosities for most single-grade oil is too large between the extremes of temperature. To bring the difference in viscosities closer together, special polymer additives called viscosity index improvers, or VIIs are added to the oil. These additives are used to make the oil a multi-grade motor oil, though it is possible to have a multi-grade oil without the use of VIIs. The idea is to cause the multi-grade oil to have the viscosity of the base grade when cold and the viscosity of the second grade when hot. This enables one type of oil to be used all year. In fact, when multi-grades were initially developed, they were frequently described as all-season oil. The viscosity of a multi-grade oil still varies logarithmically with temperature, but the slope representing the change is lessened. [clarification needed] This slope representing the change with temperature depends on the nature and amount of the additives to the base oil.

The SAE designation for multi-grade oils includes two viscosity grades; for example, 10W-30 designates a common multi-grade oil. The first number '10W' is the equivalent grade of the single grade oil that has the oil's viscosity at cold temperature and the second number is the grade of the equivalent single-grade oil that describes its viscosity at 100 °C (212 °F). Note that both numbers are grades and not viscosity values. The two numbers used are individually defined by SAE J300 for single-grade oils. Therefore, an oil labeled as 10W-30 must pass the SAE J300 viscosity grade requirement for both 10W and 30, and all limitations placed on the viscosity grades (for example, a 10W-30 oil must fail the J300 requirements at 5W). Also, if an oil does not contain any VIIs, and can pass as a multi-grade, that oil can be labelled with either of the two SAE viscosity grades. For example, a very simple multi-grade oil that can be easily made with modern base oils without any VII is a 20W-20. This oil can be labeled as 20W-20, 20W, or 20. Note, if any VIIs are used however, then that oil cannot be labeled as a single grade.
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Nov 28, 2015
^^With a remap under the bonnet, the engine of your PS will love the Shell 5W-40 Fully Synth Oil. If you can, get it from Ford - somehow they are able to source it the price of Mineral Oil [:D]
Thread Starter #49
Jul 31, 2014
A very satisfying day today. I have secretly nursed a regret that I tried to bury deep in my heart so that no one would discover it. I had bought a 4x2, wanting an automatic, but also wanting a Pajero Sport, but in the end the Pajero Sport is the ultimate rugged 4x4, so did I not make one really confused choice! But throughout the steed has stood by me putting in stellar performances, climbing hills packed with 7 people effortlessly, being driven at 180kmph non stop for an hour etc.

So when the chance came for me to do my own head to head with an Ford Endeavour (FE3.2), which was a 3.2 fully tricked out thoroughbread 4x4, I was a bit anxious. And after all, I was not really a 4x4 driver.

The stage was the hills in Tungareshwar forest, 49km from my home in Bandra W, and a magnificent place in which to photograph birds. I and my FE3.2 buddy met at 715am in the bird place, and did our photography and trekking and came out and climbed into his truck, and drove from the bird pond, up around 1km to the temple. This is a gathering place for all visitors, has eating joints, and the temple. It was a sedate drive. I was very impressed with how silent the cabin was, and the numerous bells and whistles the vehicle sported. It was a massive vehicle but the doors felt a bit light.

We finished breakfast and headed further up the hill. Now the road became extremely difficult. Rocky, with loose pebbles everywhere - no danger of falling off etc. - and patches where it would be only sand being kicked up by the tires if one slowed down too much. We frequently needed the FE3.2 to switch to what I believe is called 4x4 Low, which has even greater traction than 1st gear. In time, we reached a dignified height, and I felt that I had worked out in the gym for an hour, though I was not driving. The cabin had been silent, giving me a taste of what true luxury felt like, driving in tough terrain. Hill Descent more was interesting.

We came back to the bird pond where the PS was parked. We switched and too it up the same track. Immediately to me it seemed the view had enormously expanded. My friend was stunned. The PS galloped along the same track like a mountain goat, and pebbles seemed to disappear, and we were gliding very rapidly indeed. After a 3-4km drive which was effortlessly achieved, we U turned and came back to the pond. All the while in total control, and my friend was ga ga over the ride quality, which he said was smooth, and fluent. And he remarked that the doors felt really heavy and shut with a solid thunk.

I have exorcised that little regret...I think I dont need a 4x4 after all!
Thread Starter #50
Jul 31, 2014
It has been 9 years and while it has been exhilarating when driving it has been uneventful when it comes to tackling problems – there have been few or none. A bamboo pole from the neighbouring building’s scaffolding fell on the hood, necessitating a little repainting. The plastic part to the left of the socket for plugging in the OBD dongle is a bit loose – wonder why. Meanwhile the ride quality continues to improve, and so does FE. Long periods (4hrs on Samruddi expressway from Nagpur to Nasik) of high speed driving are meat and drink.
It is time for the comprehensive 4yearly servicing: I will list here (and do something similar for my Montero).
  • Engine oil change – Shell Helix Ultra Pure Plus 5w40 – 6.7l – done
  • Oil filter change – done (but the one available is smaller than the one taken out and looks like that is what is available today).
  • AC fan belt change - done
  • Brake pad change – done
  • Air Filter - done
  • Aerosol spray on windows – 90% of cabin noise disappeared – it feels like new. While coasting along at low speeds I cannot hear the engine.
  • Tyre change was done at 52k and it is now 65k.
  • Many other steps including changing transmission oil to be completed. Will list here.
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Thread Starter #51
Jul 31, 2014
I did radiator flush including cleanup of coolant tank. I drained out the old coolant as much as possible, poured in Liqui Moly flush, topped up with distilled water, ran the engine for 15min, disconnected return pipe to radiator, plugged that radiator outlet, poured around 15 litres of distilled water, and towards teh end mostly it was water that was coming, and then i poured in 12 litres of Amsoil Antifreeze + Coolant, and towards the end of this phase some coolant (light yellow) did start coming, though I am sure a bit of water did remain in the system. All this while engine kept running. FInally I closed everything up. Smooth as silk till now. I will check tomorrow and top up if required.
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