OH MY GOD [10:1 compression you understood it as 10 units of air to 1 unit of fuel.
Biggest joke of century, I never expected this from you Viru.
Listen baby I will explain it to you.
An engine's compression ratio is the ratio of volume in the cylinder when the piston is at the top of its stroke (top dead centre, or
TDC) to the volume when the piston's at the bottom of its stroke (bottom dead centre or
BDC). In other words, it's the ratio of compressed to uncompressed volume, or how tightly the incoming fuel/air mix is squeezed into the combustion chamber before it's ignited. The more it's squeezed, the more efficiently it burns and the more power is made.
According to the gasoline stoichiometry, your 10 units of air to 1 unit of fuel is said to be RICH. This is not what the manufacture mean my 10:1 compression.
You are very much confused about
AFR ratio and COMPRESSION ratio. Feel free to ask the doubts if you had any after reading more about it.
"I'm sorry bro, but this is nothing that you can argue with, it is an undisputable fact of the Internal Combustion engine."
LOL, no need to be sorry Brother.
Viru, My aim is not to argue in the forums, my aim is to share knowledge either to give or take(Definitely to take more than giving
![Wink [;)] [;)]](https://www.theautomotiveindia.com/forums/images/smilies/Wink.gif)
I request you to read about IC engines without considering the present FACTS which you have already stored in your memory.
Now about Warm air intake. I'm 99.9% sure you are not going to understand what I saying. But still giving a try. :D
First of all I'm not an expert in automobiles. So What all I said in my previous post about WAI is the things I got to know from various sites and people(But definitely not from a single source) and still I'm not saying its 100% TRUE.
I believe the benefits that we are going to get from this CAI or WAI is highly depends upon the particular engine we are going to use. So we cant say every vehicle will show BEST results with a CAI upgrade.
Even if I had experiences of both CAI and WAI in the same car, I cant generalize CAI is more better than WAI or vice versa.
In my previous post I didn't say WAI "increases BHP" so please cool down. What all I said is it reduces "pumping losses"
"To elaborate: Warm air is less dense than cold air. When this less dense air is volumetrically injected into the combustion chamber, it means that there is less Oxygen available for the combustion of the fuel. This leads to a less complete combustion for a given amount of fuel (ie. a given throttle position)"
THere is a sensor called
O2 SENSOR which is placed after the exhaust port of the engine, this will helps the
ECU(the complicated brain ;)) to correct the fueling there by reducing the combustion issue.
Or else we must have to say a CAI which results in more denser air will lead to LEAN condition isn't it? Why its not, because that is the duty of a O2 sensor.
When CAI is installed. we get more denser air at a given throttle. So what actually happening is more fuel is also fed in to the cylinder so you get more BHP than with a WAI at the same Throttle position.
So when you need same amount bhp with a WAI you need to apply
"bit more throttle to get even more air". HEre comes the benefits of a WAI. because this wide throttle reduces "
pumping losses"
The main thing for your doubts on my previous post is mostly because you must have dont know what is meant by
"pumping loss".
Well, I will explain it to you.
Spark Ignition engine is throttled(ie, the amount of air getting into the engine is directly depends upon the throttle we apply) which creates a vacuum. Creating a vacuum takes power and this is referred to as "pumping loss".
To illustrate,
EXAMPLE 1: take a bicycle pump and pump it rapidly. Your arm will tire fairly quickly from pulling against the slight vacuum that's created as you
pull the plunger out(pulling the plunger for sucking up the air). Remove the end of the pump and you could do it for forever, because by taking it off the vacuum got reduced.
EXAMPLE 2: Similarly Take a syringe and try pulling its plunger in and out
with and without its needle . You can understand that when the needle is fixed to it, the air inlet passage gets smaller and you will need to apply more power to pull than when it is without its needle.
Thats why experts say, WAI helps in increasing the Mileage because of lesser pumping loss.
PLEASE NOTE: I dont think I can give an even more better explanation. but still I'm responsible for what I said, so if you have any doubt regarding to what I said. Then please
QUOTES THOSE LINES specifically, then I will explain it for you :)