I meant combustion ratio, I was half asleep so don't judge me. But anyways, if we ignore my embarassing faux pas, the remainder of my statement is still correct!
![Wink [;)] [;)]](https://www.theautomotiveindia.com/forums/images/smilies/Wink.gif)
But tell me what correctness are you talking about? See the next quote
Sorry to be blunt, but that is the most convoluted and misinformed statement ever! How can it be possible for an engine to be more efficient at a lower compression ratio?
Tell me, according to you how does that compression ratio gets LOWER with the addition of a WAI??? Or else Do you mean 10:1 CR of a gasoline engine is such a lower CR value???
![Surprise [surprise] [surprise]](https://www.theautomotiveindia.com/forums/images/smilies/Surprise.gif)
In both cases you are wrong with this compression ratio.
![Frustration [frustration] [frustration]](https://www.theautomotiveindia.com/forums/images/smilies/Frustration.gif)
Viru, wake up man wake up. You are making lots of mistakes by being "half asleep".
Listen, Compression ratio is altered by changing the internal components of the engine like pistons, piston rods etc. and not by the CAI/WAI intake systems.
A handy formula to keep in your mind:-
CR=(swept volume+combustion chamber volume at TDC) / (combustion chamber volume at TDC)
Viru, I wont tell you to believe me blindly, but instead of rejecting it completely do some investigation about it. Seriously you must read of CR.
Before I had a .1% of hope, now its 100% sure you wont understand :D
As I said before,
If you encounter any mistakes/doubts in what I have said, then question me only after quoting those lines.
Or else its difficult for me to answer. Be specific and you will get the best reply for it.
Dear Viru, If you can prove me what I said is wrong, then I will be very thankful towards you. I don't feel any bit of shame to accept my mistakes if I had any. But be sure what you are saying is a valid point and it should definitely make some sense.
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