Rto here are practiced like these. For indica and sumo you can get easily here. But not for a bolero.
But in metro like chennai , even a wagon r and santro can be run as taxi. But non metro rto has issues. same was a case in a town in punjab , it was a discussion in a forum in orkut. And in my local i experience that . And getting a permit for tavera is difficult here . Just one taxi permit here. But neighboring town cuddalore (25kms from here ,tn) gives permit for tavera , but not for swift and bolero.
But in metro like chennai , even a wagon r and santro can be run as taxi. But non metro rto has issues. same was a case in a town in punjab , it was a discussion in a forum in orkut. And in my local i experience that . And getting a permit for tavera is difficult here . Just one taxi permit here. But neighboring town cuddalore (25kms from here ,tn) gives permit for tavera , but not for swift and bolero.