Came across one "L" sticker i10 yesterday evening. I saw it at the intersection which is always flooded with traffic. Suddenly saw illuminated reverse light of this car which was trying to back up in that tight traffic. The drivers behind it literally started to stand on their horns. At last the illuminated reverse lights were off !!
As soon as traffic started to move, i came parallel to that car and was shocked to see that right side OVRM was hanging from its location and left side OVRM was closed. The lady inside it was driving it all alone without any other companion. After couple of seconds she started moving left and was trying to say something to one biker who was going to stuck between her car and footpath border.
Later i saw that the biker came by her side and opened her left OVRM and zoomed ahead. Now without any indicator she was trying to come at my side (as i was parallel to her
), i given short honk and zoomed off.
Dont know whether she reached her destination safety or not without right OVRM.