WhatsApp is rolling out its Picture-in-Picture feature on its web version
WhatsApp Developers are currently rolling out the Picture-in-Picture mode on the web version of the app. This comes weeks after the company made the feature available for its app on different mobile platforms. According to a recent report, the feature is currently rolling out in the version 0.3.2041 for the web. This new version also comes with other under the hood improvements along with security fixes. The web version that we are talking about refers to the online version of WhatsApp and does not refer to the desktop app that users can install on their devices.
WhatsApp Developers are currently rolling out the Picture-in-Picture mode on the web version of the app. This comes weeks after the company made the feature available for its app on different mobile platforms. According to a recent report, the feature is currently rolling out in the version 0.3.2041 for the web. This new version also comes with other under the hood improvements along with security fixes. The web version that we are talking about refers to the online version of WhatsApp and does not refer to the desktop app that users can install on their devices.