You have just entered politics, I have already served as BJYM Prez of my constituency (later quit as I wanted to focus on business), my maternal uncle is big shot guy in Vidarbha & other guy's office is filled with MLAs during election times. And trust me, it is the Merc which is powerful than red beacon amby. I have witnessed cases where ministers come begging for party funds, DMs, cops come for transfers etc. It is for the masses who think red beacon is powerful, in reality, its not. I have seen business guys commanding a private army
. Best part of these people is they maintain low profile in society, while politicians face you will find in newspaper, flex, hoardings & even common public toilets.
BTW, the DMs & rest have orange beacon, only cabinet level guys have red beacons. And yes, that red beacon is temporary, Merc power is permanent.
Anyways, here are couple of pics of one of our cars -