neither a borrower nor a lender be-buy only what you absolutely need;
If you are buying on loan out of necessity finish it soon and then keep your vehicle as long as you can -needlessly upgrading instead of small repairs-DON'T!
Financial fundamentals our parents followed,which seemed to hold them in good stead!
If you are buying on loan out of necessity finish it soon and then keep your vehicle as long as you can -needlessly upgrading instead of small repairs-DON'T!
Financial fundamentals our parents followed,which seemed to hold them in good stead!
1: Education for kids
2: Home and property
3: Daughter marriage
4: Buffer amount for any emergencey.
Once all acheived then invest into luxury.
Now what we do:
1: Car on EMI.
2: Home on EMI.
3: Phone on EMI etc etc..
Yes with time changed we try to achieve at 30 what parents did at 50 year. And there is no harm in this if we know what is limitation and how can emergency situation can be handled.
No one can advice any one of their financial decision or what they planning to buy.