What Can We Do To Improve Road Safety Awareness?

Thread Starter #1


Jun 30, 2011
Fellow members,

I write this with extreme frustration and I am pretty sure each and every one of us are with the situation of lack of road traffic/safety among Indian drivers (its a bold statement but its a fact).

There are a lot of things we come across each day like.

1. Jumping Signals
2. Not wearing helmets
3. Not wearing seatbelts
4. Triple riding on two wheelers.
5. Driving with High Beams.
and lot more please feel free to add.

While the traffic authorities make the best efforts (atleast) in spreading the word in getting the message out and educating them I feel its not really registering with the drivers.

My biggest frustration every day is with people coming with full on high beam light from the opposite directions and I make an effort to stop the vehicle ahead and tell him that his lights are blinding me so kindly switch to low beams.

While I can do my best educating people I come across I am pretty sure there are effective ways to do this (Atleast in the case of high beams).

Interestingly with no offence intended a majority of drivers I have given gyaan to are cabbies, mini trucks (tata Ace - has got some serious high beams). I a sure there are educated people who do this too just because they feel the road looks brighter. Yeah right ! Blind teh person ahead and you see better!

Interestingly I also noticed that majority of cabs tune in to FM radio and again no offence there are talk shows that happen during peak hours and a lot of these RJ's talk serious bull. Why not spend a good 10 minutes and educate about these points.

You have an audience that is tuned in and receptive to your programme. Pass some knowledge too. I know a few RJ's do say "please wear your seat belts and dip lights". But this message really does not make an impact as its only a a statement.

They should be more precise in saying. "Check you instrument cluster. If you see a blue indicator, you are blinding people ahead."

I have blasted several SMS's to these programmes but NEVER wa sthe message passed. This should be a religious exercise and if done I am sure wil make a huge difference.

Its a hope but lets see what else can be done..


Core Team
Aug 10, 2009
New Delhi
Each one can begin with themselves first and their near and dear ones. The problem is that India has some useful set of traffic rules but the implementation part is weak. Unless people are slapped with heavy fines, strict vigilance etc. they hardly care about it. Strange that most of the people fail to understand that rules are meant for their own safety. But then let’s not forget that there are some sensible people also. I think the majority which breaks the rules are youngsters and uneducated drivers.
They should be more precise in saying. "Check you instrument cluster. If you see a blue indicator, you are blinding people ahead." I have blasted several SMS's to these programmes but NEVER wa sthe message passed. This should be a religious exercise and if done I am sure wil make a huge difference.
Good point. But most of them will tune into a different radio station. :biggrin: On a serious note that was a nice effort from your end. Kudos.

Drive Safe,
Aug 2, 2011
Sending SMS is really nice idea, I will also use this now.
Students should have traffic rules in their syllabus.
Distributing small traffic rule awareness pamphlets is also good idea.
Dec 6, 2011
Reinstate the program of building new, safer roads, which by definition will not contain accident blackspots or dangerous junctions and therefore will not require speed cameras.Review all dangerous junctions, particularly those involving right turns onto busy main roads. This is probably the area where a relatively small investment would pay most dividends.Set consistent national standards for traffic calming schemes. If they're all different it's hard to know how to react.
Dec 24, 2011
We should also make pedestrians realize that walking in the side of opposing traffic should be followed and not to walk in the side of the traffic with same direction. People use to move in gangs and they stroll out of the walking area into the road without noticing the vehicles behind them. This gives a tough time for the vehicle on the move to clear the route and also and increases the risk of being hit from behind
Apr 17, 2011
I had an idea on my mind to suggest the RTO on clicking the pictures of vehicles inlovded in accident due to wreckless driving and then enlarge it and put it on the advertising hoardings on highways with a caption "You could be next if you drive like he did!" or more like these for that matter.

Or put the number of accidents with a cricket scoreboard like counter on a big hoarding and some "pandu" should be assigned to increment it again with a caption "You dont want to be youserlf in the list to keep the numbers going!, Drive safe!"

Let alone the cab wallas, the "so called" sane people overlook safety to the pleasure of the "punch and stability" of their car which can go 0-100 in 8 secs. Atleast if they see these hoardings they will atleast get something out of it, for cabbies/rickies no matter what alerts caution warnings you put they are not gonna listen, i put truckies out of the list because i think they are the only sane drivers on road, they have a common thinking "if we cannot go fast, why try?"
Dec 16, 2011
Excellent thread ZenGetZ, a fellow Hyderabadi !! [clap]

I hope you agree these problems are very prominent in Hyderabad, I just cannot control my frustration while driving and start shouting within seconds, with the passengers onboard thinking I am the only mad person around.

I want to bring up one more point, about the bikers !!
They overtake you from the wrong side, when they make a cut in traffic without any intimation at high speeds, they are so close to your bumper that it can scare you instantly. You also get worried about your ride.[:D]

Another point worth mentioning, the rear view mirrors on bikes here are either absent or if they are present, they are used by the rider to see his shirt/t-shirt and hair flying because of the wind. [frustration]

No offence meant to anyone, I am also a bike lover and ride mine regularly but never carelessly.
Oct 8, 2011
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May 11, 2011
To improve the safety awareness, first a person should give up his attitude and should to be vigilant.

Should stop showing off sporting skills like speeding, turning like a pro, we have many sporting events all round the year so show the talent there.
Mar 25, 2012
A lot can be done to improve Road Safety Awareness.

-To start off with, its best to start of on a personal front. We can always communicate to our friends and family to drive safely and follow traffic rules. For example, many of our friends may enjoy swerving through traffic. Letting them know the hazards can go a long way in helping them and traffic at large.

- I strongly believe that schools and colleges are good places to instill good road manners. Maybe a small chapter in higher grades about road safety can do good. Road safety weeks in colleges or awareness drives can at least change a few kids.

- This might be a weird opinion, but I somehow sometimes feel that infrastructure in the sense of good footpaths etc can change a lot of nuisance that we see today. Many of us complain about people walking on the road etc which is dangerous both to them and the driver. But i strongly believe if good paths were provided for walking then pedestrians would surely use them. I myself sometimes find it hard to walk on footpaths on Bangalore and I am forced to walk on the road creating a hazard.

- I think making the license issuing stricter can make the roads better. The present tests are just superfluous. A new mechanism of testing both knowledge and skills should be instituted. Many attribute the better driving skills of Finnish people to the difficulty of their driving tests. If this is true and there is a connection. Then it might do good here as well.

These are a few suggestions. Ill surely share some more as and when the bulb lights up!
Sep 15, 2009
What I propose:

1: Bring an end to the joke that the licencing procedure is today, What if licencing was strict?

The more stringent and serious the tests become, the less number of baboons on wheels we would have on the road. Once tests become more tough, applicants will start to learn more about rules and regulations to clear the tests and will have a reasonable driving etiquette when they get a licence and are on the road. Many wouldn't get licences altogether and more people will use public transport and we will have less traffic and misfits on the roads as a result.

2: Enforcement of laws and regulations along with severe punishments must be adhered to on par with that of developed countries at least if not better.

Offenders must be punished severely. If there is an option for imprisonment, the convicted should be sent to jail for atleast a week if not the entire period.

I once talked about this to a friend of mine who happens to be a magistrate, I was seeing him after he got involved in an accident. He was hit by another vehicle coming opposite, overtaking another one and crashing into his. I asked him why they- judges, never impose imprisonment as punishment when there is an option in law for it. His reply was that if they did, then people wont plead guilty and would let the case go into trial, which in return would flood the already overloaded courts into more pendency. I asked him, If people start to see that Road Traffic offenders will be imprisoned and not just fined, agreed that the pendency will increase for a short while, Wont it be a determent for them to drive or ride rash and negligent while on wheels? And within in a few months, wont there be less offenders and accused? He said he never thought that way cause they never get time to think with the busy schedules they have. He said he will give it a try in the end.

I know how people convicted run like rats when they are punished with a sentence to go to prison. At those times, They are willing to do anything to stay out of jail. For instance, just saw someone say today that he doesn't give a damn about being on the wrong side of the law and knows how not to get caught in the act. He's not just an arrogant idiot, But a cocky one as well in my opinion. Now no one would say that, if they know that they will have to pay for it dearly if they go against the law. And if licencing was proper in the first place, the bloke wouldn't have got(bought) a licence either.

Hell, we have stricter laws and stringent enforcement of governing rules in motor-sport in this country, no slack whatsoever there. No matter if you run the colours of a big team or are a privateer on a shoe string.

That's pretty much my take on the issue and without these I dont see any real time change from awareness.
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Dec 31, 2011
The most important thing, we Indians need to learn is 'Right of way'. I want everyone of us should read the entire traffic rule before applying a license. We need to have a mandatory subject in school to learn traffic rules and everyone should score at least 80%. License should not be provided to those who don't pass this test.
RTO is one department in India which flourish with bribe. Though everyone knows it, vigilance department is not raiding them.
Dec 5, 2011
Now days youngsters drive their vehicle as their wish and they not even follow the driving rules properly, this cause it in an very big accident and even they loose their life unfortunately so it is been very necessary to follow the driving rules and regulation properly.
Oct 8, 2011
The most important thing, we Indians need to learn is 'Right of way'. I want everyone of us should read the entire traffic rule before applying a license. We need to have a mandatory subject in school to learn traffic rules and everyone should score at least 80%. License should not be provided to those who don't pass this test.
RTO is one department in India which flourish with bribe. Though everyone knows it, vigilance department is not raiding them.
+ 1 to that
i am so annoyed & frustrated when i wait for vehicles to pass & as i am going past the junction a 2 wheeler or auto coming a mile away would not slow down & cut terribly (Into there opposite lane) in front of me,its also the duty for one to let the vehicle coming from there right to go past first if both reach the junction at the same time.
Apr 30, 2012
New Delhi
The worsening Road Scenario!!

“Horrific crash in south Delhi...”, “Teenager killed, 3 injured in Mumbai...”, “2 die in car accident...”, “Chennai ranks high in terms of road accidents”, “3 killed in car-lorry smash...”, “Fatal Lamborghini crash...”, “Six die as bus falls into ditch”, “41 pilgrims killed when truck overturns”, “Ambala bus accident kills 12 school children”...

I was trying to search something related to acceleration on Google but while I was typing mistakenly Google suggestions browsed “accidents”. All the recent road mishaps that have occurred appeared. Ohh Man I was shocked! So MANY!! What’s common in all these articles are words like “rash” “drunk” “speeding”.
Also I read somewhere that on an average of 15 people die every hour in automobile accidents in India. Where is this all heading? What can we do about it?[confused]
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