Took a Test Drive of the Vento Diesel, Petrol was unavailable & was promised a call from the Sales Rep, still awaiting his call
Couple of things observed:-
1) Did not allow proper TD, only limited to a stretch of road parallel & in vicinity of the premises.
2) 4 months waiting for diesel version with 31/2 months for petrol in this day & age is ridiculous!
3) Limited choice of colours on offer, metallic shades only available post jan 2011!
Vento Diesel:
1) Price demanded not justified with respect to quality of plastics/seat fabrics & such, especially for Highline.
2) Noticeable turbo lag, in 1st & 2nd gears, when in pedal to metal mode.
3) Very unnerving feel with respect to handling at speeds over 110kmph.
4) Bouncy ride.
5) Slick gearbox fun to operate, throttle response of engine is noteworthy.
6) Bland looks & plain jane interiors are a deal killer.
Overall VW thinks they are doing a big 'merbani' to the consumer & this very attitude is not at all warranted. They will loose out in the long run if they continue to operate in this fashion.