TVS Jupiter Titanium Grey BS-IV

Thread Starter #121
Aug 28, 2017
XUV fuel tank is rated for 70 Litres officially but it takes in 74~75 litres when really empty (I do not recommend this). because about 5 liters is reserve. I do not have definite answer for bikes but it could be something like that. Plus, vehicles swallow some fuel for Pipes, Carb, Filter etc which is above the capacity of the tank.
Yes this could be the case, the petrol pump was within 500m from showroom. I thought showroom guy cheated me with 1.5L fuel.
Thanks for the clarification.


Honoured Member
Sep 11, 2009
Last year there was a similar issue at IOC owned and operated outlet in Trivandrum. A brand new Hyundai filled to the brim and took more than the specified capacity. He screwed up leading to action from authority. Legal Meteorology department officials brought Hyundai guys and drained the tank to empty and filled to brim in the presence of IOC officials and it actually took way more than the rated capacity.

I have a different issue. My FZ got a 14-litre tank with 1.4-litre reserve. I never managed to fill more than 12 litres including the fuel left in reserve. The highest ever was 12.10 litre with 400 mL approx left in the tank that too happened with the moron at the dispenser left the nozzle in and watching chicks and didn't cut off, even burning my balls [sad]
Thread Starter #125
Aug 28, 2017
6th Service @15000km:

Hi everyone, posting in this thread after a long time. Last week I was in my hometown and Jupiter had covered 500 more kilometers and was due for service. TVS SC was also making repeated calls reminding me to get the servicing done. So took it to SC and asked them to Change Oil along with Air Filter and Spark Plug as it was recommended to replace Spark plug once in 15k kilometers.
Air Filter was also not changed till now so it was also replaced. Unlike free services this time they did not use polish on black parts. The Bill was 900 INR.

I had issue with handle bar, when turned at right side it will be hard but if turned left it will move freely. I had asked them to rectify the issue but they had not. I gave the bike in morning 9:30AM and they promised delivery by 12:30pm. When I went there Jupiter was serviced but they did not check handle at all, I asked them to look into it and they said Mechanic is not available. I waited and waited for him and he came at 2 pm. He opened front fender and tightened T bolt but the issue was still there, then he asked other boys to fix the panel and left.

Those two were struggling to fit the crash guard, they did not tighten the screws properly and barely managed to do it. The air filter pipe was removed and did not put in place. Finally when I was to pay the bill the girl at the counter said that printer is not working and I will have to visit again to get the invoice. I asked them to email the invoice but they did not. When I was coming from showroom the screws came out and front guard started making noise due to vibration.

TVS does call you after service to get feedback about service, I asked them it could be better and can improve. They ask to visit SC again but its difficult to keep visiting SC again and again. TVS Service is definitely not world class as claimed by them.


Honoured Member
Sep 11, 2009
6th Service @15000km:

Hi everyone, posting in this thread after a long time. Last week I was in my hometown and Jupiter had covered 500 more kilometers and was due for service. TVS SC was also making repeated calls reminding me to get the servicing done. So took it to SC and asked them to Change Oil along with Air Filter and Spark Plug as it was recommended to replace Spark plug once in 15k kilometers.
Air Filter was also not changed till now so it was also replaced. Unlike free services this time they did not use polish on black parts. The Bill was 900 INR.

I had issue with handle bar, when turned at right side it will be hard but if turned left it will move freely. I had asked them to rectify the issue but they had not. I gave the bike in morning 9:30AM and they promised delivery by 12:30pm. When I went there Jupiter was serviced but they did not check handle at all, I asked them to look into it and they said Mechanic is not available. I waited and waited for him and he came at 2 pm. He opened front fender and tightened T bolt but the issue was still there, then he asked other boys to fix the panel and left.

Those two were struggling to fit the crash guard, they did not tighten the screws properly and barely managed to do it. The air filter pipe was removed and did not put in place. Finally when I was to pay the bill the girl at the counter said that printer is not working and I will have to visit again to get the invoice. I asked them to email the invoice but they did not. When I was coming from showroom the screws came out and front guard started making noise due to vibration.

TVS does call you after service to get feedback about service, I asked them it could be better and can improve. They ask to visit SC again but its difficult to keep visiting SC again and again. TVS Service is definitely not world class as claimed by them.
After sales is one of the main factors why people are reluctant to go for TVS despite recommending to many. Main reason why I chose FZ over RTR. But I must say it's better than Hero and RE and many times Honda.
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Thread Starter #127
Aug 28, 2017
The mechanics at TVS are young boys with less experience, as it is a new service center staff is less. Hope they improve with time, apart from this there are no issues in ownership.


Honoured Member
Sep 11, 2009
The mechanics at TVS are young boys with less experience, as it is a new service center staff is less. Hope they improve with time, apart from this there are no issues in ownership.
That's the case with every service centres, even KTM and RE. They hire from ITIs at cheap rates, like an apprentice. They learn job ruining our machines, gets experience, become senior mech or start their own garage. Even saw immigrant workers with no knowledge about bikes hired as washing boys doing periodic service at already horrible RE service centre. The chap who worked as an apprentice at KTM is now working as the chief mechanic in one of the SBK garages in Trivandrum.
Thread Starter #129
Aug 28, 2017
Hello everyone, hope you all are safe.

I am updating this thread after 3 months, even in lockdown Jupiter was doing its duty as there were not much restrictions in our town so it did have to be parked at home.

The battery again died last week, it happened twice in 2 years first battery was changed within warranty and this time I changed it from outside. Replaced Amco battery with Powerzone battery, it costed me 1000 rupees it came with 48 months warranty and spot exchange assurance in case if it fails. I don't know the exact issue why the battery failed within a year of replacement. Initially headlight bulb was not glowing, sometimes it will glow and sometimes it will turn off itself while riding but pass switch was working. Then self starter was not working so I gave battery for charging, when battery was removed Jupiter stopped after few hundred metres. I tried to kick start it but it won't, tried again and again but it refused to start so left it there until battery was charged. After connecting battery it started and I thought problem solved but after sometime battery was down so went to shop and replaced battery.

Still I don't know why bulb is not glowing, it is working but maybe some loose connection is the problem. It is due for service soon and has clocked close to 18k kms on odo. I got a call from showroom that I have a bill due which I have to pay ( The parts replaced in September for vibration issue, belt, rollers and gears). Though the issue was with gear shaft, they changed rollers and belt even though they were working fine so I had not paid for it.
Thread Starter #131
Aug 28, 2017
These symptoms suggest you might have some wiring issue, causing early Battery failure as well as Bulb issues. I suggest you get it checked with another, Better equipped service center.
You were right, new battery also showing these symptoms. Low horn sound, and light is not bright. Battery is draining fast, will take it to service centre today.
Thread Starter #133
Aug 28, 2017
7th Service Update:

Jupiter was due for service as I had covered around 2800 km since last service. The odo as of now is 17850. Went to same service center at 11 am and service advisor asked me if any issue is there.

I asked him to change oil along with routine check, headlight bulb was not glowing and battery was draining. Apart from these no other issues faced. I was asked to take delivery at 4pm. I got a call from them saying that service is completed and I can take delivery when I went it was not even washed. Don't know why they called when service was not done, I waited to see the service being done infront of me. They changed the oil, and replaced the bulb and mechanic was fitting the visor, I asked him to not replace the bulb as it was not faulty. But he didn't agree, when checked with new bulb it didn't glow again. Then they tried to fix it, there's a switch under seat and wire was lose that's why bulb was not glowing. They put wire firm in place and applied tape and problem was solved. Then they tighten brakes and service was done.

They didn't touch brake and other parts, just wash vehicle Change oil, tighten brakes and they complete the service. The mechanic Said that all other things are already done but I am sure they didn't touch vehicle before wash. The Bill was 650 INR 300 for oil change and 350 for labor charge.
Thread Starter #135
Aug 28, 2017
I would like to do it myself being a mechanical engineer I used to maintain my Splendor myself and rarely visited mechanic. But in scooter it's complicated, parts are under seat and you have to open everything to access and I don't have toolkit so I don't touch it. With Splendor I could assemble parts myself.
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