Thanks a lot for appreciating, gentlemen.
Maybe you are right, having an extensive experience of the previous car, as well as this segment, helped a lot.
In case a close moving vehicle hits, that will still damage the ORVM. Motorcycle handles are not high enough, to hit the ORVM of these cars. But, the rider himself/herself can easily do; and escape saying sorry. IMO, VAG cars are best in this regard, even the ORVMs also also well built on their cars. I have had a first hand experience of Polo Vs Verna ORVM collision.
There is a dead pedal, a piece of plastic stuck in the mat

Maybe Toyota guys have taken the numbers too seriously. They indeed could have given a proper dead pedal, everyone now knows that thay are making fat profit per Innova crysta, it's not for no reason the highest revenue generating car of India for 2016.