Hello guys , hope you are all doing well. The meet is closer now , just 3 more days to go! So here is the final agenda for the meet.
8:00am - Assembling at besant nagar beach and breakfast at Murugan idly hotel. A small photoshoot at beach itself after breakfast.
11:00am - Start from beach and head to resort for lunch in a convoy. We will have a big hall in the resort to sit , relax , talk about cars and also have lunch.
3:00pm - Start from the resort and head as a convoy towards ecr. We will have several photoshoots here at all good locations.
6:00pm - We will take a small tea break and bid adieu to each other.
1. Lunch at the resort will cost Rs.600/-( Inclusive of taxes)
2. Everybody coming to meet is expected to pay for their own expenses like fuel , food , toll etc
3. Please have sufficient cash with you when you start from home itself. Don't break the convoy trying to search for ATMs.
4. Please fuel your car also accordingly. It will be very inconvenient for the whole convoy to wait while you refuel.
5. Please maintain the convoy and follow the leader. Do not try to race/taunt/overtake/break the convoy. We are like minded petrolheads who are here to meet and discuss about cars , not to race.
5. Please be on time in the morning. Inform in advance if you can't make it on time due to some reason. Convoy won't wait beyond 11am at besant nagar.
Hoping to catch you all in Sunday and have fun together. Keep revving!