Thread Starter
27th May
May 27th 1923
First Le Mans Grand Prix d'Endurance is concluded. Winners Andre Lagache and Renee Leonard covered 1,372.928 miles in a Chenard-Walker car. Le Mans is the world's longest-running 24-hour event, a type of racing that's considered the ultimate test of sports car performance.
May 27th 1927
Production of the Ford Model T officially ended after 15,007,033 units had been built. The Model T sold more units than any other car model in history, until the Volkswagen Beetle eclipsed its record in the 1970s.
May 27th 1930
Chrysler Building in NYC. opened as world's tallest building.
Chrysler Building
Ford Model T & Henry Ford. Its named as the world's most influential car of the twentieth century after an International poll.
May 27th 1923
First Le Mans Grand Prix d'Endurance is concluded. Winners Andre Lagache and Renee Leonard covered 1,372.928 miles in a Chenard-Walker car. Le Mans is the world's longest-running 24-hour event, a type of racing that's considered the ultimate test of sports car performance.
May 27th 1927
Production of the Ford Model T officially ended after 15,007,033 units had been built. The Model T sold more units than any other car model in history, until the Volkswagen Beetle eclipsed its record in the 1970s.
May 27th 1930
Chrysler Building in NYC. opened as world's tallest building.
Chrysler Building

Ford Model T & Henry Ford. Its named as the world's most influential car of the twentieth century after an International poll.

The History Channel
The History Channel