Thinking of Moving from My Tata Aria - Please Advice

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Feb 28, 2012
Since this thread of yours is asking for advice I will offer mine too .
First I share and agree with the advice given to you by jaydev, visran ,Superbad .

Any vehicle losses it's value in first 1-2 year like crazy and expensive vehicles much more .

T- fort will be surely more reliable in long term compared to say aria no 2 questions about it.( can't comment on how Toyota handles warranty claims because I don't know )
And looking at your post it seems tata is not making any fuss in warranty claims .
What is the current situation of the car ? Is it giving you troubles to a extent that you feel unsafe driving the car ? If yes by all means go ahead and change the vehicle since safety issues should not be overlooked .
My suggestion to you is if there are no major safety issues allow yourself a little more time with the vehicle go for some long drives and see how the vehicle is responding if the vehicle still gives you too much stress then take a calculated desicion.
Just to give you 1 small example 1 guy from other forum is using the vehicle for 2 years and he rear ended his aria and had to replace the rear lights assembly including the bulbs it costed him 3,000 rs if it would have been a fortuner iam sure the charges would have been very high , so take this consideration also in the mind .
If money is not an issue atall to you and if you are too much stressed and Panaroid about what will happen to aria which makes you and your family not to enjoy the aria even a bit , and ready to bear losses from depreciation go ahead and take your desicion .
btw what is the current situation of your aria ?
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Feb 28, 2012
1700 kms and trying to sell? please do not sell it so fast.
since it has been over a year i would suggest you :

1) take your aria to a long drive (around 1000+ kms) to decide upon its fate.
if your car has some life in it you would start to love it again inspite of the niggles previously faced.

if your journey turns out to be problematic then you would have your mind in the right place to sell you aria.

keeping looks aside you wont find anything worth upgrade in the t-fort.

might be cumbersome to park,FE would be low, and if you are not into off roading then forget about it.

i would suggest you to try a chevy captiva in place of the t-fort.

3 years of hassle free experience as i have read somewhere with their cashless maintenance.
+100 for your suggestions .
Being a Chevy user myself afaik 3 year free maintence is not for captiva and cruze . But yes captiva is also a good option .
Thread Starter #18
Jan 31, 2011
@raja thanks so much for your details.My aria is in good condition after all the complaints rectified and only complaint now I have is that the paint coat is peeling off at certain points.I did TD captiva before I went for aria but my choice was aria as it had better space in all three rows.

@raja what you tell is true and I have not faced any complications with the service or warranty for the faults I faced with my car but I do not find a comparison of the same with fortuner as I am also careful that If suppose am moving to fortuner there should not be any headache in rectifying a problem or warranty
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Feb 28, 2012
@raja thanks so much for your details.My aria is in good condition after all the complaints rectified and only complaint now I have is that the paint coat is peeling off at certain points.I did TD captiva before I went for aria but my choice was aria as it had better space in all three rows.
Good to know that your aria is healthy now and facing skin problems ( joking just to lighten up please don't feel bad )

Paint issue must not happen in a new car , is that the original painting is peeling or the repainted area ? In my reading About aria ownership threads I have seen many saying that paint peels near the edge of the boot area where the door shuts because of friction and they have got it rectified from tata .

I agree though not a serious issue it's a irritating issue which must to happen in the first place which spoils the experience of ownership .
Is there anyway if you can get hold of some top tata official and explain the whole story and get the painting issue sorted with a written guarantee that it won't reoccur again ?

Have you driven the aria for any long drive recently ? If yes how did it behave ?
The sterring issues and suspensions which you told earlier which was rectified by tata have they come back again to irritate you ?

And research the fortuner across the Indian web for ownership reviews the servicing cost, parts and all details and meanwhile just keep a good eye on how the aria is behaving in totality .
In some time you will have enough data with you about fortuner and same time you can evaluate the current status of aria and then decide what to do .
Moreover please update us with your findings since it will enlighten us too .
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Thread Starter #20
Jan 31, 2011
@RAJA chill nothing to feel bad.Yes I call my service advisor 'hello doctor patient is back" I been patient and considering to the service center and also pull the loop when the work is not satisfactory.I have not driver long yet but the steering and brakes issues did not come back and there is no suspension issue,please wipe away from your memory or i face it then.Yea all my issues were rectified and when i just thought I am happy I just noticed paint peels.I actually faced a bad paint peel near my right door and was rectified but the peel i notice now is at different places,few near the wheel arch and some bubbles near the boot.That is not paint exactly but the clear coat.I have informed the TATA official and he had informed me that they will come and inspect the car at my premises itself as he is also feeling bad that i keep visiting the service center.They will sure rectify it under warranty but my i10 is almost 5 years not even a small bubble
Nov 1, 2010
I think only myself can fully understand karthick's dilema. Becuase two years back I sold off my vista and bought punto for the same reasons. vista kept giving me headaches and within one year I bid ADIEU to it.
But hey that same car is now driven by a doctor, he has added some chrome ornaments to it and he is more than happy owning it I guess.
but again my upgrade was worth every penny I spent and i had no regrets of selling my vista for very low value after I started my journey with Punto .

Of course punto has also given some issues and had me visit Tass many times but it was all different kind, when vista had issues I would say OH DAMN AGAIN!. When punto will have have issues i will say OH GOD NOT AGAIN!!.
So if your heart says yes then go ahead.
Thread Starter #22
Jan 31, 2011
@jayadev yes you are right but I am just in a situation where i have not concluded yet but if suppose I get similar repeating issues with my new buy am sure getting to a bicycle shop
Dec 8, 2010

Please forgive me if my understanding is not good about your case. When I was reading you r posts on thread, some times you say your very much satisfied with your Aria but saying there was problems and they are got rectified. Again in other post you say that new problems have come. Again you say that TASS is good they are taking care of your problems.

Then you are saying painting gets peel off, then saying they agreed to attend to it. again you are saying peel off also from some other areas, but again you are saying service guys are feeling bad and they said they will visit your place

With all this I was really confused like "Kabhi Kushi, Kabhi Gum" means " some times happy, some times sad ".

So please clarify that you are happy or sad or confused that what to do [:)][cry][confused]

Sorry, but I am really confused and asking you this !!
Nov 1, 2010
Guralla, he means what if similar issues or worse pop up after warrenty periods are over?
What if now it is minor niggles what about in future if it starts showing major problems?
Dec 8, 2010
OK. If that was the case

Then yes, with every new launch(pure new launch) apart from its brand, issues will exist and will continue for a year or so, then the manufacturer try to rectify all of them in the mean time and release a upgraded version of the same which can be niggle free most of the extent.

So when we decided to buy a new launch then we have to be prepared for such things, but again

Paint peeling off is not a invention and nothing to do with new launch or upgraded version. It is something to do with the quality and it clearly shows that there is a neglecting things in painting area or with the people over there and no way can be acceptable by any body, because it is not a company who started just yesterday and who got lot of expertise already in every department.

Again if there are mechanical/electrical/transmission issues are there then product launched is not up to the mark and needs immediate call back/replacement and needs up-gradation

If the above are very common in any particular brand cars and they ensure that every complaint is attended rapidly and parts are replaced quickly. Then it is called they are good at postmortems and not on product development and need serious concern over what kind of product development they are doing. Do they employed a team of guys who's attitude is any new product tend to have niggles,but where ?? in the test runs area or in customers hand. This needs to be thought about.

I doubt that for similar reasons, the most awaited STORME is getting delayed !!

Hope I did not go off topic here and was trying my level best to bring out what went wrong which lead to create this kind of thread here[:)]
Thread Starter #26
Jan 31, 2011
@gurrala how bad you did not understand me
I say am satisfied with aria interms of its space,features and comfort when I compared with my other preferences at the time of purchase.The car faced many issues from first month.The service center guys are very supportive and take care of the problems well and does not mess with giving up anything under warranty.But i mean the issues i faced was not solved in just one visit but had to visit several times as they make something to solve the problem but it comes again and the problem gets solved only when they change the whole part say steering lower arm for steering pull,discs for vobbling. One example,I had rattling noise from steering unit and gave the complaint many times as it kept repeating even after they repair and they returned telling it is some loose plastic etc but last time I took it serious and they changed the whole steering unit and it is fine now.I recently had paint peel near my right door and it was rectified and took the car from service a week back and that part is over.Now again i see paint peeling at some other points too and called the manager and sent pictures to him showing the peels.This is the current situation and for this paint complaint only the manager had told he will bring the technical head to my premises and inspecn
Jan 17, 2011
From what I understand, your all the mechanical problems that your car had has been solved.

As for the clear coating peeling of/bubbles forming, this has to do with the value added service that you got done at the time of buying. They must have done the Teflon coating when the car was damp, or without cleaning the body.

You can ask them to remove the teflon coat by polishing and get a refund of money and do it yourself at any 3M outlet. They do a good job.

Usually Tata has tie ups with 3M and a 3M trained guy does the job. If it was a 3M job, you can also complain to them directly.

Rectifying it in patches is not advisable.
Dec 8, 2010
@gurrala how bad you did not understand me
I say am satisfied with aria interms of its space,features and comfort when I compared with my other preferences at the time of purchase.The car faced many issues from first month.The service center guys are very supportive and take care of the problems well and does not mess with giving up anything under warranty.But i mean the issues i faced was not solved in just one visit but had to visit several times as they make something to solve the problem but it comes again and the problem gets solved only when they change the whole part say steering lower arm for steering pull,discs for vobbling. One example,I had rattling noise from steering unit and gave the complaint many times as it kept repeating even after they repair and they returned telling it is some loose plastic etc but last time I took it serious and they changed the whole steering unit and it is fine now.I recently had paint peel near my right door and it was rectified and took the car from service a week back and that part is over.Now again i see paint peeling at some other points too and called the manager and sent pictures to him showing the peels.This is the current situation and for this paint complaint only the manager had told he will bring the technical head to my premises and inspecn

I have already posted my answer, before your post and you can go through the same which makes you to think of these issues are really serious or they are very minor in nature[:)]
Jan 21, 2012
Guralla, he means what if similar issues or worse pop up after warrenty periods are over?
What if now it is minor niggles what about in future if it starts showing major problems?
of what i have read from karthickramu's aria it seems he has issues with niggles and that those issues are repeating with time [confused]

regarding with the paint peel again he has said it has got to do with alignment with boot door.

again with these issues i feel (subjective would need karthickramus clarification) that the workmanship with relation of niggles is not upto satisfaction, that the service personnel offer a temporary jugaad to his problems which make them disappear for the time being and that those problems resurface with time.

if my observations are correct then i would suggest karthickramu to switch to a different service station for a permanent resolution to his problems.

if that is not an option then he can always try emailing his grouse with his car to higher authorities of TML to hope a better resolution for his constant problems.
Thread Starter #30
Jan 31, 2011
@jayadev yes and thanks ,that is what I mean
@gurrala actually i thought am too clever to buy a car launched an year back and that it will be niggle free though the issues i faced were minor but the stress is on the larger scale as I keep visiting the center for solving some issue or the other.It is true that the early bird customers are their prey and test the products on us and release a better product and name facelift.Nobody to life their face for all these.
@highway & gurrala it is obvious that the car has some quality issues and its reflects on the paint work too.I have not seen a new car bubble.
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