The Street Encounters with Wild Animals

Thread Starter #1
Sep 15, 2009
I came across this large Python lying on the side of the road. It was atleast some 50-60 kilos. Huge guy.[surprise] I was on my way back home from Idukki. The poor guy was lying on the right side with his head almost into a quarter of the right lane. I stopped the car. Turned on the Hazard lights and park the car with the headlights pointing at the snake. I stood in the middle of the road trying to save the big guy from getting run over. There were some clients of mine in the car and they insisted me to get back in the car and be on our way. Well I was pretty sure that this big guy would have his head splattered all over the tarmac if two heavy vehicles come from opposite directions at the same time and as usual they most probably will be passing each other at high beams and wont be seeing the python lying in their lane.

So I stand there and move traffic away from him. I also had to keep my distance while doing that. Just dont want to end up as his Dinner.[lol] Its a pretty busy road and soon there were some seven cars and some motorcycles on either side and people came out of their cars to see the big guy. Some guys film and take pictures of the python on their cell phones and I too had my Samsung ST 61 Camera with me. I always carry it with me as who knows what you might come across. After some 10 minutes the python moves into the jungle and we were all back on our ways.

The last picture is our paddy cultivation. Still more than a month for harvest to begin.


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Nov 1, 2010
wow, excellent effort jalex.
people have really poor knowledge about snakes and other animals. they are generally harmless and survive on small prays like rabbits and other rodents. because of deforestation and digging everywhere they are loosing their natural habitat which force them to come on road and every where else.
if nature loving people like jalex are everywhere it would be a blessing to all living being on earth. as presently they are being mercilessly killed by people for skin , out of fear and ignorance.
i beg all TAI members to see that they do not run over other animals while driving , like dogs,birds,lizards,snakes and do take some time to protect them if possible. thankfully wild animals are being protected by law .

mods it would be better if we start a new thread on this matter.
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Jun 29, 2010
Nice catch Jalex.

May be we shall have a new threat to discuss all about the animals we encounter on roads. [glasses]
Sep 27, 2010
Hey jalex, my mom's from Thodupuzha too and she has told me that when she was a kid, there were so many encounters with wild animals straying in to town by mistake from up the river.

Wonderful pics and very considerate of you [clap]. I like snakes, I think they look magnificient. But I'm really scared so like to watch them from real far [:D]
Thread Starter #8
Sep 15, 2009
WOW, thats a huge snake... i am very scared of snakes & especially such huge ones!
I too have a healthy fear of snakes. I just realize what their striking distance is and stay clear out of that range. Someone told me after seeing the pictures that I should have gone a little more close and taken a better picture. Well I replied to him that if I had did that maybe someone else would have also got a better picture of the Python having its dinner as well. If that Python got a hold of me then I would have been history for sure. He was way too large. Just look at his length in proportion to the lane marker. That lane marker is pretty long.

one interesting encounter...!!
Is that a Fox?

Hey jalex, my mom's from Thodupuzha too and she has told me that when she was a kid, there were so many encounters with wild animals straying in to town by mistake from up the river.

Wonderful pics and very considerate of you [clap]. I like snakes, I think they look magnificient. But I'm really scared so like to watch them from real far [:D]
We see a lot of animals on the Idukki road and now as monsoons and rains are over, We are going to see even more animals around the forest reserve roads.

One more word, Moderators, The python was actually in its habitat and not near to any street or village, the road that I saw him on, was through the middle of a Forest Reserve and so maybe the thread should be renamed differently. And its the only road to connect with our our district Head quarters in Idukki.
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Nov 1, 2010
Is that a Fox?
jalex, that is an indian jackle in kerala generally known as kurukkan means fox but it is not fox is much smaller and leaner.

this one happen to be standing on middle of road at 10pm while i was returning to home may be in look out for a hunt. initially i thought it was some stray dog but when i turned on the high beam i realized its not a dog for that distinguished glow in the eyes and gestures , as it was extremely alert and responding to my movement carefully and slowly moved with my camera as any moment it will disappear into bush and there are dangers from its fellow being who can attack as they usually attack in groups. thank fully it was much curious for my moments and stayed for couple of moments when i could take some shots ..and it vanished into darkeness.


Core Team
Aug 10, 2009
New Delhi
Man, That was a real daredevilry. One needs some serious guts to get off their car, especially when you know that a thing like this is lying on an open road, just in front of you. You deserve an applause for it. I had my first and a quick experience with snake, recently during visit to Kanyakumari but the difference is that I was walking and it suddenly passed by near my foot.

i beg all TAI members to see that they do not run over other animals while driving , like dogs,birds,lizards,snakes and do take some time to protect them if possible. thankfully wild animals are being protected by law.
Absolutely agree to that.

Someone told me after seeing the pictures that I should have gone a little more close and taken a better picture. Well I replied to him that if I had did that maybe someone else would have also got a better picture of the Python having its dinner as well.

Drive Safe,
Aug 22, 2009
I really appreciate your efforts Jalex.

You needs guts to do that & its incredible in front of a Python.

Kudos Jalex!!
Sep 12, 2009
Daring act , well for me .

I am afraid of snakes . esp all reptiles , i hate them.

Infact i have run over one and missed 2 i hope , i didnt notice . Run over one was noticed by my friend in co driver seat.

Had i seen the snake , i would have run over that , else waited at longer distant and never ever get out.
Nov 1, 2010
Had i seen the snake , i would have "never"run over that , else waited at longer distant and never ever get out.
that is excellent ilango. be safe and stay at distance .ignorance and killing is not justified, as life is dear not only to human but to every living being on earth
ot just a general info:-
there is nothing to hate snakes ,most of them ,more than 90 percent of them are harmless and non venomous. the fear and hatred arise out of people whom consider snakes are bad , but consider this, in india snakes have place next to god. shiva has snakes around his neck, vishnu dwells on snake, and vasuki is snake god himself. down ages snakes have been worshiped and loved by us indians.blessing from snake are said to bring austerity and auspiciousness.
and they are important factor in food chain they eat away rats,rodents,birds, insect which destructs our cultivation,vegetation and crops . so killing snakes is same as shooting a bullet on our own foot . try to protect them and make people aware.
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Aug 22, 2009
WOW man!! no words to say. cant never imagine standing in front of such huge snake. but how did it came on road?? and did he go itself in forest or you guys did something??
Thread Starter #15
Sep 15, 2009
WOW man!! no words to say. cant never imagine standing in front of such huge snake. but how did it came on road?? and did he go itself in forest or you guys did something??
Well it is a great experience to see him that close, Its okay as long as you dont get into his personal space. Guess its lucky that it was not a King (King Cobra). That's the guy you should really fear for.

I've seen one in in a sanctuary once and he almost hypnotized me. He just stood up and showed his hood. I almost froze and couldn't move even though he and I were separated by a glass and mesh cage.

And wild animals do cross that road a lot, The road is through the middle of a Forest Reserve. We also did not do anything in particular to annoy him. I just used the lights of my car to move him into the Forest. He moved very slow as well. Guess he might have had something big as prey.
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