The Definition Of A Good Driver

Aug 2, 2011
I have come across many forums where in people do feel there exists bad drivers, but, honestly there are just 2 types of drivers i.e good and learner.
Great thread Akash. When I just saw it at first, thought, why it didn't exist yet.

I would agree with you "almost", except for the one quoted above. As a fact of the matter, not all on the road are learners.

As you rightly covered, some are just there, just by compulsion. They just want to cross the road and reach home, just today. They don't care how they did it today, or what will they do tomorrow. They are not interested in learning!

Few others believe in the philosophy of "No one is Perfect, neither am I". And they live contended like that forever. So, they just believe, being wrong on road is just not wrong. That's how most are, and we are too. They are not interested in learning too!!

The most critical category is, willful violators. No matter what, they just won't care. Be it breaking rules or causing inconvenience or posing danger to others and themselves or spoiling the society. They may never learn or let other learn too!!!
Mar 30, 2011
Vijay_968 @

Plus that a good driver have good reflections, good presence of mind and he can avoid/save from many accidents...
That rises the bar to Better / Best . I stopped just at the qualification level.

When i think of ... bad drivers ... Some of them are still alive because of many others patience and presence of mind.
Exactly. Like others, bad drivers used to bring the worst in me. After listening to some Tamil religious discourses, a parallel thought my mind. That of ensuring that the errant drivers reach their homes to their waiting mothers, wives and children by reducing MY speed, changing MY direction, ignoring their high beams etc. Soon I realised I AM saving at least 5 - 10 lives in a single week! That is a [angel] feeling my friend. Moreover, instead of abusing them, I try to relate an irritant driver's behaviour to a comedy scene and call them by funny names. That takes the tension off the situation and makes the drive more pleasurable. It succeeds 90% times. Some specialist drivers manage to bring my old [evil] self the remaining 10% times. What to do ???

... They just want to cross the road and reach home, just today. They don't care how they did it today, or what will they do tomorrow. They are not interested in learning! Few others believe in the philosophy of "No one is Perfect, neither am I" ... The most critical category is, willful violators. No matter what, they just won't care ...
I feel, THEY do care and learn. Unfortunately some of them do NOT bring the learning part to the roads. Examples: These guys are not investing money in faltu chit fund companies / not buying problematic real estate properties / not buying failed products etc. Sometimes we are forced to make them learn. Example: Once, after heavy rains, a biker on his 150cc refused to move away or ahead. I found a opening to his left and pushed in the Matiz. The guy increased his speed to match mine and unfortunately we both entered a wide pool of dirty water at the next turn. The pillion guy frantically signalled me to slow down; why would I ? At the next signal, the fully drenched and dirty guys were in a combative mood. I said, "tu mera horn sound nahi suna our mei tera hath nahi dekha ... Tera pass bhi brake hai na" and that settled everything.
Feb 4, 2015
Thane, Maharashtra
That of ensuring that the errant drivers reach their homes to their waiting mothers, wives and children by reducing MY speed, changing MY direction, ignoring their high beams etc. Soon I realised I AM saving at least 5 - 10 lives in a single week! That is a [angel] feeling my friend.
Very well said. [clap] I will keep this in my mind when I face some errant drivers. It will definately help me to keep my mind calm. [:D]
Oct 24, 2014
well all can say this is right and that is not right. having said that we have to realize that in India driving is a not a curriculum included in your studies as it is in other countries. so everybody learns driving here on road itself hence its justified to say learner and matured drivers respectively. Who teaches the importance of lanes when one first starts learning driving. every driving school now a days takes fee from you to teach and he will also get you the DL. most of them who get their DL's don't even know how to read a sign. what do you guys say on that. In order for the building to be perfect the foundation has to be right which in this case, isn't . We don't give the necessary exams here to pass and get the DL, it is done by money as long as this stays. our road will be full of Buffoons. WE NEED TO HAVE A CURRICULUM IN SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES to teach the young about the do's and the don't s while driving. reading of different signs and their importance. Rule and regulations etc etc and the exams you give for license should be computerized then probably we will have most sane drivers.

A IDEAL driver is one who follows all the rule and regulations enforced by law. ( However Scientifically Ideal Things don't Exist)[:D]
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Sep 26, 2012
Generally driving training is imparted for nominal 60 Km driving by road side driving schools. Even this small distance driving lesson is deprived by resorting to various dubious methods. The only assurance is the learner will get licence after this brief period of training. I think this learning process is to be made more extensive and trustworthy. Mere paying money for obtaining licence is to be discarded.
Oct 24, 2014
@ sidd7hartha now we know why we have idiots behind the wheel thanks to such kind of schools where certification is not the process to get the driving license but a fee mere 2000 can get you the license. instead of driving schools lets have it incorporated the college curriculum where the RTO gets to inspect each and every driver for their riding skills as well as a computerized objective questionnaire for judging their theoretical knowledge. this should improve the understanding of driving and hence reduce mishaps on road due to driving or driver negligence.
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