Tata Vista QJD Ownership Review: Brand New Sedan Class

Feb 10, 2012
Re: Brand New Sedan Class (Vista QJD VX) 12 months - 25,000Kms and counting

I hope you guys know abut my Hosur trip for the TAI Mega meet.
Thanks for taking an effort to travel alone all the way from Vellore to Hosur just to attend the meet, hat's off to you buddy

The new addition to whitey(F1 brake lights) indeed looks very charming on her.
Thread Starter #467
May 21, 2011
Re: Brand New Sedan Class (Vista QJD VX) 12 months - 25,000Kms and counting

Appu that LED is brilliant.

Does it have a separate switch to turn ON?
Thank you Buddy,

That F1 lights directly connected to brake light. It will start blinking once we press break pedal.

Thanks for taking an effort to travel alone all the way from Vellore to Hosur just to attend the meet, hat's off to you buddy

The new addition to whitey(F1 brake lights) indeed looks very charming on her.
Thank you Visran for your kind words and I'm proud to be a part of the meet[:)]
Dec 8, 2010
Re: Brand New Sedan Class (Vista QJD VX) 12 months - 25,000Kms and counting

Yeah I forget Appu, that F1 flash light was really good, when we bid bye for the last time after the tea and we were really watching your car from the rear and the flash light is really excellent buddy
Feb 10, 2012
Re: Brand New Sedan Class (Vista QJD VX) 12 months - 25,000Kms and counting

How is that flash light installed on your car? could you add a photo if possible
Thread Starter #471
May 21, 2011
Re: Brand New Sedan Class (Vista QJD VX) 12 months - 25,000Kms and counting

Yeah I forget Appu, that F1 flash light was really good, when we bid bye for the last time after the tea and we were really watching your car from the rear and the flash light is really excellent buddy
Once again Thanks for your complements.

I hope you guys Visran & Gurrala at Varun swift right?

How is that flash light installed on your car? could you add a photo if possible
I've not taken any photos during installation. But, it was a very simple installation.

There are two screws which holds the flasher with rear Bumper.

then, the Flasher light has three wires, One for Ground, another for Break light and the third one for Parking light.

I asked the electrician to connect only the Brake line and asked to leave the Parking light free.
Dec 8, 2010
Re: Brand New Sedan Class (Vista QJD VX) 12 months - 25,000Kms and counting

Yes Appu, Varun, Visran and my self were traveling in Varuns Swift.

If you get a chance please buy one for me and I will collect it when I meet you buddy[:)]
Thread Starter #474
May 21, 2011
Re: Brand New Sedan Class (Vista QJD VX) 12 months - 25,000Kms and counting

Do you have to drill the bumper?
It was not drilled separately.

But, Electrician drilled the Bumper directly with screw and those two screws holding the Flasher tightly.

Will post the close-up pic on Saturday.

Yes Appu, Varun, Visran and my self were traveling in Varuns Swift.

If you get a chance please buy one for me and I will collect it when I meet you buddy[:)]
One of my FB friend done a bulk order and sent one to me. I'll check with him and let you know.
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May 1, 2013
querry regaring upgrading of speakers

im new to TAI, gone through your thread fully, very informative
so surprised to know that your whity have crossed 25k in a year....[clap] were my jun 2012 model CAVERN GREY VX have just crossed 8000/- today.......!!!!![lol]

i dnt know is it a right place and time to have a query in related to a speakers.? i dnt have any idea about car music system :)

i ev some doubt's with the music system in my car. its blaupunk. i haven't modified any thing in my car.......
now i feels to change my speakers. and particularly not interested in sub-woofers and parcel tray speakers.
im looking for good door speakers. whats the maximum size speakers we can mound on our doors.? some says we can 5.25" and some other says 6.5"....[frustration]. factory fitting is just 4" i think so.!!!
can we mount 6.5" component speakers or 6X9" ovals in doors.?
can our stock ICE can drive 4 component speakers without amp..??
or shall i add 5.25" in front door and 2 6x9" oval speaker in wooden speaker boxes and keep it in dikki area.?
Thread Starter #476
May 21, 2011
Re: querry regaring upgrading of speakers

im new to TAI, gone through your thread fully, very informative
so surprised to know that your whity have crossed 25k in a year.... were my jun 2012 model CAVERN GREY VX have just crossed 8000/- today.......!!!!!
First of all Welcome to TAI and have a pleasant stay here[clap].

Congrats for Vista and welcome to Vista club, CAVERN GREY VX is a good color in Vista, the chromes will be visible clearly and it will give look Classy[:)]

i dnt know is it a right place and time to have a query in related to a speakers.? i dnt have any idea about car music system :)

i ev some doubt's with the music system in my car. its blaupunk. i haven't modified any thing in my car.......
now i feels to change my speakers. and particularly not interested in sub-woofers and parcel tray speakers.
im looking for good door speakers. whats the maximum size speakers we can mound on our doors.? some says we can 5.25" and some other says 6.5"..... factory fitting is just 4" i think so.!!!
can we mount 6.5" component speakers or 6X9" ovals in doors.?
can our stock ICE can drive 4 component speakers without amp..??
or shall i add 5.25" in front door and 2 6x9" oval speaker in wooden speaker boxes and keep it in dikki area.?
Blaupunk Music system having a capacity to produce excellent output. But the speakers are the culprit. If you change your speakers then only you can able to know the capacity of your music system. Even without Amplifiers also, it produce excellent quality of sound.

I think we cannot install 6X9" ovals in doors, because there is no place to accommodate those speakers. If we need, we need to do some modification on doors. As it is a brand new car, I not suggest you to do modifications on doors.

You can keep a oval speakers in box and keep in Boot space. But, Boot space is already small in Vista and the speaker box will also accommodate some space if you do so.

I'm not sure about the Size of door speakers, Will check will with my well known car decors guy today & let you know afternoon[:)].

But, My opinion is, you can place the speakers in Rear parcel tray, disconnect the rear door speakers and keep the front door speakers and Tweeters. That is more than enough for good quality of sound.

To keep the speakers in rear parcel tray, you need to change the stock rear parcel tray to MDF plank.

I hope you seen my Infinity speakers installation on my Vista.
Here is the Link: http://www.theautomotiveindia.com/f...-months-25-000kms-counting-16.html#post222777
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May 1, 2013
Re: Brand New Sedan Class (Vista QJD VX) 12 months - 25,000Kms and counting

thanks you very much sir. yes you are right the chromes shines in cavern grey. [;)]

my mom and grandma used to travel in rear seat and they don't like to keep speakers in parcel tray, as it sounds near to their ear, it feels some irritation on this, previously in my wagonR i had this kind of set up, on those days while my mom travels i have to switch the fare to front. [cry] thats why i am not at a interested in parcel tray speakers will try speaker's in boot.

in some other threads some on says that he fitted 5.25" JBL component in all doors with a help of spacer ring without any projection out.!!!! and he says we can fit 6.5" components in door's too !!!!!

and one more suggestion i got from my friend. i dont know how will it work it out.

he suggested to keep 4 6X9" speakers in wooden box's one under driver seat and one in co driver seat and other two in boot area!!!!!! how will it be?? any suggestion will it works ??[confused]
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Thread Starter #478
May 21, 2011
Re: Brand New Sedan Class (Vista QJD VX) 12 months - 25,000Kms and counting

thanks you very much sir. yes you are right the chromes shines in cavern grey. [;)]

my mom and grandma used to travel in rear seat and they don't like to keep speakers in parcel tray, as it sounds near to their ear, it feels some irritation on this, previously in my wagonR i had this kind of set up, on those days while my mom travels i have to switch the fare to front. [cry] thats why i am not at a interested in parcel tray speakers will try speaker's in boot.

in some other threads some on says that he fitted 5.25" JBL component in all doors with a help of spacer ring without any projection out.!!!! and he says we can fit 6.5" components in door's too !!!!!

and one more suggestion i got from my friend. i dont know how will it work it out.
In that case you can go for the box type speakers on the boot. It is a good option & you can get wonderful bass also.

he suggested to keep 4 6X9" speakers in wooden box's one under driver seat and one in co driver seat and other two in boot area!!!!!! how will it be?? any suggestion will it works ??[confused]
We have hidden tray under co-driver seat, so we cannot able to place the wooden box under co-driver seat.

I suggest you to go box 6x9" speakers on the boot and the good company like JBL, Infinity kind of speakers on the front doors. that is enough produce excellent sound.
May 1, 2013
Re: Brand New Sedan Class (Vista QJD VX) 12 months - 25,000Kms and counting

thanks a lot. now i got a detailed idea from you.

finally i decided to go for front door speaker and 2-6X9" in boot. have to check with some kind of custom made boxes in boot.[:D]

for the next few days i will be busy with my work. so most probably only by next week end i can do this. will update with you in detail.
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Thread Starter #480
May 21, 2011
Re: Brand New Sedan Class (Vista QJD VX) 12 months - 25,000Kms and counting


If possible create a ownership review of your Sedan class & share your experience with her with lots of pics[:)]
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