Tata Safari & Storme: Technical Issues & Solutions

Nov 28, 2021
if i travel 150km in ac is on my car coolant is drains or evaporating min 1lit there are no leakage every time i have to check before i start the vehicle and if i turn full turn to right brake is not working ,brake pedal is touching the floor but brake is not working other than that in straight or in left turn brake is working fine
thank you in advance .
Best regards,
Rajasekhar reddy
Of there ia no visible leakage check the radiator cap, if its damaged water in coolent will evaporate

how many kms done? it could be due to one of the following things.

blocked injectors- more fuel would accumulated at the nozzle creating a vaccum in the fuel lines. when engine is switched on and off, it would go away and would come back after driving again.

adulterated sedimentor: more bypass particles and water gets accumulated in the sedimentor. have a close look if the sedimentor light in dash board lights up with the service light, do a sedimentor cleaning.

as your vechile is from the vintage batch of dicors as mine, it's safe to do a injector clean up and recalibration done after every 45,000 kms.
Did you get solution for this problem, I am also facing same kind of issue.

Tata safari coolant overflow

i did a radiator flush, and filled new coolant 10 days back. Today after a hard driving for 60 kms,. All of a sudden when i idled the engine when stoping at my home, the coolant overflew via the overflow tube. But the temp guage, was exactly at half and no signs of engine heating. The temp was so hot around 2 in the afternoon. Is there any problem with the cooling system that i should check? went for a ride for 20 kms in the evening no signs of the same.
Just extra coolent
Nov 28, 2021
Hey guys,

My brother took our Storme to Gwalior and complaint that Storme was loosing the power.
He was driving over 120 and all of sudden engine check light appeared, after that the SUV did not go beyond the speed of 80 KMPH. He stopped and restarted the SUV and after that everything was fine. He faced this issue three times in the entire journey.
is there anyone who has faced similar issue.
Hello did you get solution to this problem? I am also facing same issue in my storme.
Aug 24, 2022
Hi. Can anyone solve my problem of Tata Safari Storme compressor switching on though AC panel switch is off. I also changed the AC panel circuit even then its the same.
Jul 2, 2023
Hey guys,

Ive been having this issue with diesel smell coming from the AC, what would the best thing be to tackle this issue?

Hello did you get solution to this problem? I am also facing same issue in my storme.
The engine is going into limp mode, therefore the speed limit and low rpm’s. I suggest connecting a diagnostic tool when the engine light comes on to exactly know the issue as there could be one of the many things causing it to go into limp mode.
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Jul 2, 2023
Hey guys,
The windshield washer indicator stalk does not respond. No matter how long I pull it the windshield wiper only activates but no water comes out (the other functions such as wiper activation and wiper speed on the stalk are working). I know the motor is working as water from the rear window comes out but for the front there is no motor noise nor any water coming out. Anyone else facing this issue or any solutions?
Dec 29, 2015
I know the motor is working as water from the rear window comes out but for the front there is no motor noise nor any water coming out. Anyone else facing this issue or any solutions?
Either the motor for the front windshield washer has gone bust or the connections have gone bad.

If the motor was working then it would make some kind of humming noise. Check the same once to trace out the issues.
Apr 16, 2010
MH 10
So after driving my friends Dicor for a year , i myself bought a Dicor 2009 Ex 4x2 recently. Car is very well maintained. The issue i facing are , please give valuable feedbacks

1. The front window winders are of old type, which have 2 lifters . The flaw is in design itself so later Tata changed it to single lifter units . So my question is can i upgrade to single lifter unit with old motor ? Any more modifications?

2. The speedometer needle shows less speed when i take foot off from accelerator padel, if i accelerator again ,it jumps to true speed & this continues above 40kmph . Whats the issue?

3. No backlight in instrument cluster. Is it just the fused bulb or anything serious?

4. Right side parking lights ,front pilot & rear tail light , illumination is dim , headlight works fine though. Whats the issue?
Hope i illustrated the problem correctly. Waiting for answers
Apr 16, 2010
MH 10
So after driving my friends Dicor for a year , i myself bought a Dicor 2009 Ex 4x2 recently. Car is very well maintained. The issue i facing are , please give valuable feedbacks

1. The front window winders are of old type, which have 2 lifters . The flaw is in design itself so later Tata changed it to single lifter units . So my question is can i upgrade to single lifter unit with old motor ? Any more modifications?

2. The speedometer needle shows less speed when i take foot off from accelerator padel, if i accelerator again ,it jumps to true speed & this continues above 40kmph . Whats the issue?

3. No backlight in instrument cluster. Is it just the fused bulb or anything serious?

4. Right side parking lights ,front pilot & rear tail light , illumination is dim , headlight works fine though. Whats the issue?
Hope i illustrated the problem correctly. Waiting for answers
Rectified the problems on my own
1. New single lifter fits properly with old motor though needs some adjustments. Done . Costed 1200 for 2 lifters front both.
2. Speedometer wire was shorterd repaired & new speedo sensor . Cost 500₹
3. There are 3 fuses , the instrument cluster takes power from RH parking bulbs . Fuse changed. Done
4 . Same , fuse change.
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