Believe me guys. The Car does not have any interior at all. i mean padding. When I was working in a VW dealership in anna nagar, I had a chance to drive that car. Getting into the car itself is a huge task for me. Th car is not road legal. so it always will be carried in a truck any ware. But i was actually asking some junior Executives to move the car from the entrance. But nobody knows how to start the car.
So i myself went & tried. there are lot of safety switches in the dash. some i found the main and crancked it. Ouch. it sounded like tin dabba.
I drove it for 1/2 Kms. It got an amazing pick up yaar. But slow speed hadling was a nightmare. there is power steering. road visibility is very bad. I'm 5'10".
Really these race drivers are driving just by instinct not by visibility.
Finally i parked the car where it should be.getting out from the car is another big task for me. i got a hit on my head thanks to role cage stud.
I will be getting some tickets from them for the next race on Sept. if you guys want to join can join me for the race.