I do not agree with the mentioned survey, reasons as below-
1) The research states total no. of drives in accident. As women drivers are less in number, they get a smaller number.
2) Women seem to have too many thoughts on their mind to distract them for driving. Kids, Familiy, Gossip, Clothes/Jwellery of other women on road to name a few
3) Women pay more attention to Other stuff on the Road. Eg. a Product in Shop, new saree hanging on Sale, New showroom. Some women also abruptly stop on the road to buy something without worrying about what's behind them. Experienced by my Mom (who was on scooter) today when a woman abruptly stopped near a Fruit stall ( Thela gaadi) to bargain some fruits.
4) Many years ago, A Woman Banged my Brand new Estate in Poona. Dad was driving and we were going for college entrance exam.
We were standing for a Red signal. The women broke signal, Hit us Badly (we were Just standing). I Clearly remember her face. Rather than trying to Brake or steer, culprit just Hid her face with palms and Blankly hit us at 40~50. Then she abruptly reversed and ran over 2 Bikers standing for signal. Due to the exams, we had to leave without a word. Thankfully, our car was drivable but doors won't open That side.
5) Women seem to have their weapon handy. Tears.
When they bang up or do something wrong, Tears means they're instantly forgiven and we have to bear all the expenses/ inconvenience.
I'm Not saying they're bad drivers, but there's serious room for improvement. There shall be also more stringent and longer training for women drivers. It will help.