So You Thought Women Are Bad Drivers?

Thread Starter #1


Core Team
Aug 10, 2009
New Delhi
For those who believe that women are bad drivers, it’s time to rethink. Statistics prove otherwise. Here is an interesting infographic.


Drive Safe,
Jul 29, 2013
Hoshiarpur, punjab
For those who believe that women areca drivers, iti time to rethink. Statistics prove otherwise. Here is an interesting infographic.

View attachment 126881 PCENTER]

Drive Safe,

I think these statistics are not related to India. At least in India as per my experience women drivers are bad. Secondly IMO these statistics shows total no. Of accident in which these men or women were involved, I cannot say about other countries but in India we all know no. Of women drivers are very less as compared to men drivers on roads.
Women generally drives on safe speeds , don't break rules thats why very few involved in accidents . Women are called bad drivers because of their mad behavior while driving , ie. scratch other vehicles while parking, unexpected lane change ,sudden brakes on road etc.​
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Oct 23, 2013
Statistics is related to what and how we want to show the data.The number of men driving vehicles are far more than the women.So the case of accidents are also going to be high.
I am not part of any debate on who is a better driver.(Men or women)
But my assumption is always right on who is driving in front of me according to the riding habits (If that's a man or a woman).
So you understood what I want to say ?[cheers]
Jul 23, 2013
For those who believe that women areca drivers, iti time to rethink. Statistics prove otherwise. Here is an interesting infographic.

View attachment 126881 PCENTER]

Drive Safe,

I think these statistics are not related to India. At least in India as per my experience women drivers are bad. Secondly IMO these statistics shows total no. Of accident in which these men or women were involved, I cannot say about other countries but in India we all know no. Of women drivers are very less as compared to men drivers on roads.
Women generally drives on safe speeds , don't break rules thats why very few involved in accidents . Women are called bad drivers because of their mad behavior while driving , ie. scratch other vehicles while parking, unexpected lane change ,sudden brakes on road etc.​

Okay let us be little fair to Indian women. It's a fact that there are only few women out on Indian roads and all are not bad. I have seen good number of ladies manning their 4-wheelers quite well.

'Women generally drive on safe speeds' :- Yes we have to appreciate that fact and try to replicate. [clap]

'Women are called bad drivers because of their mad behavior while driving' :- Well who is not? Most of the men who are behind the wheels drive in a bad way, unexpected lane change and sudden brakes are quite normal on Indian roads. So i would like to see this as an Indian behavior rather than gender discrimination. [roll]


Honoured Member
Oct 15, 2011
Some Village
I do not agree with the mentioned survey, reasons as below-

1) The research states total no. of drives in accident. As women drivers are less in number, they get a smaller number.

2) Women seem to have too many thoughts on their mind to distract them for driving. Kids, Familiy, Gossip, Clothes/Jwellery of other women on road to name a few

3) Women pay more attention to Other stuff on the Road. Eg. a Product in Shop, new saree hanging on Sale, New showroom. Some women also abruptly stop on the road to buy something without worrying about what's behind them. Experienced by my Mom (who was on scooter) today when a woman abruptly stopped near a Fruit stall ( Thela gaadi) to bargain some fruits.

4) Many years ago, A Woman Banged my Brand new Estate in Poona. Dad was driving and we were going for college entrance exam.
We were standing for a Red signal. The women broke signal, Hit us Badly (we were Just standing). I Clearly remember her face. Rather than trying to Brake or steer, culprit just Hid her face with palms and Blankly hit us at 40~50. Then she abruptly reversed and ran over 2 Bikers standing for signal. Due to the exams, we had to leave without a word. Thankfully, our car was drivable but doors won't open That side.

5) Women seem to have their weapon handy. Tears.
When they bang up or do something wrong, Tears means they're instantly forgiven and we have to bear all the expenses/ inconvenience.

I'm Not saying they're bad drivers, but there's serious room for improvement. There shall be also more stringent and longer training for women drivers. It will help.
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Nov 20, 2013
Women aren't bad drivers. They just don't know how to react to situation. i can say the reflex action are lesser for women because they don't drive as men do. this reminds of my college day accident. I took my new bike(cbz-bought 2 days back). there is a slope in the parking car. down the slope left goes to bike parking and right goes to car there was a lot of bikes, i was standing in line. the beautiful girl who drove a alto after climbing the slope, continued down with the same amount of acceleration down the slope and banged right into my bike. i feel men would have more controlled in such situations.
Nov 26, 2012
some women drives well and some drives worst, like some men drive good and some worst
some women cooks well and some do not, like some men cooks well and some cooks worst.
I think its just like that,If we are not talking of the ability of a man to a woman on driving.
I have some female friends who drive sensibly and some male friends who even do not do the basics right.
we can find many such videos on men too.

But i am against old citizens driving the cars because the renewal on the expiry of the licence is corrupt with fake test results on their fitness to drive.
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Feb 14, 2014
KA-01 / TN-22
I have some female friends who drive sensibly and some male friends who even do not do the basics right.
But i am against old citizens driving the cars because the renewal on the expiry of the licence is corrupt with fake test results on their fitness to drive.
You are spot on. It all boils down to the basics and ones' ability to overcome road fear. If these aspects are taken care of, driving is a pleasure else it will be a thorn in your and everyone's flesh.
Aug 2, 2011
I am not gender biased, neither would like to generalize a community for few. However, I don't believe this survey to be true, rather, not suitable at least for India. Do we know the basis and facts on these values?

To what I heard, both men and women are specialized in certain aspects in their own way and unique to each. Some examples I heard -
  • Women are multitasking - Can Cook, Talk on Phone and Watch TV at the same time, which is not generally possible for Men.
  • Women are Multilingual - They can pick up multiple languages quicker than men.
  • Men are good in navigation skills - Thus, they can drive better than women. Similarly, give a map or blueprint to women, they would take hours to figure out where they are at least! Men' mind work quicker in this aspect.

This is basically how the minds of Men & Women programmed and works - as I heard. Not sure how true would that be, maybe, a physcologist among us can clarify it better.

About Driving - Men have been driving for years and thus genetically have that skill inculcated which is not the case for women, at least in our country. They have started driving just few years ago and hence, will take some time or even generations to pick that skill well. How many of our moms do drive? [clap]
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Nov 26, 2012
All of our dads and uncles do mot drive well.
Driving skill do not come by hereditary.
May be some what gender based but we have good and sensible lady drivers in india.
And many foolish male drivers.
I think its the individual skill and sensibility that counts.

If woman are known for multitasking then they can drive with ease than man because driving is multitasking. clutch, gear , brake . horn everything to be done at a time at some situations while driving in india.

So what do you think men are good drivers and women are not?
Only because our dad and grandfather were used of driving from generations?
and women are not because our moms are only used of cooking?
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