hello friends.today finally i went with pa to do the finalisation of the scooter.
first off we went to the yamaha to see the flaming RAY.dad dint like the looks of it.felt it inclined more towards the fairer sex.so it went off the list.
pa was actually adamant to buy the ACTIVA as some of his friends had told him so.but i wanted him to do a TD of both WEGO & ACTIVA.first off we went to the TVS to do TD of the scooter.dad rode it & came a few minutes later smiling.he loved it.but he felt he must do a TD of ACTIVA too.
so we went to Honda to do a TD.there something interesting happened.he instantly likes the looks of a Grey DIO.so DIO replaced ACTIVA.so did a TD of DIO.he dint look that happy.he felt it was on the heavier side.
so finally friends WEGO is the scooter we are going for.Brown colour.will purchase it tomorrow as mom strictly told not to buy it on a Tuesday.
thanks to all of you for helping withyour advice.you all Rock.PEACE!!
one last thing...WEGO drum or disc??