Haha,so the day has came,now here are some of my questions and words of advise(maybe already given,but still repeating):-
1):How many of you people can drive quite safe and long?(I mean how many of you companions are expert?)
2):Make sure that you people can carry the full night drives.Maybe you can do,but are your pals comfortable with it?
3):Have you taken the details of roads,weather and hotels etc at the places you are planning to visit?
4):Have you taken a good CAMERA to make us feel ENVIOUS??
Words of advice:-
1):First of all,make sure that your car is in a perfect condition for long drives,please check the most forgotten liquid 'the coolant' levels before going long.
2):About food,be careful while eating outside.Eat light and nutritious only.In fact I'll advise you to take your first night food from home itself.My idea may sound weird but the reason is as follows:-
From the earlier days I joined my father in business after my intermediate I started doing long journeys for carrying out various works as ordered by papa.So everything was good at the starting every visit to Jaipur,Udaipu,Dehradun,Chandigarh etc etc meant a lot of outside food for me.Since I am a 'Shahi paneer' addict so it was my daily diet.Pizzas,burgers etc etc.Withing 15 days I started complaining of a continuous inflammation in stomach and when I consulted the doctor after 2 days of continuously facing the inflammation the doctor told me "The outside food,whatever it may be,even chapatis with 'Shahi Paneer' are not that hygeinic(Those people who say that 3 stars,5 stars etc give hygeinic food must learn from this,because I left nothing from Dhabas where food costed just 100 to Hyatt where dinner costed 900 per person)should be avoided at its most.
From that day itself I get my food packed from my home itself for one time and no such problems are faced by me now.
3):If your pals can drive then take care that during night drives,the guy on the front seat must be awaken with the driver and must know how to drive.
4):The weather here in north is very cold now a days,so take care,especially for your KID.
5):Near Agra you can find a lot of fog,so avoid night drives that time.
6):Take your warm clothes with you and take drinking water too with you.Why?In case you are trapped in a jam,then only your brought snacks and drinking water helps you.
7):Since I too make out the full night drives while going long,so it will be better that you people try to cover most of the ground between 9 pm to 7 am,in fact within these 10 hours you people can cover upto 800-900 kms if driven with a hard foot and visibility is okay.
Once I covered 590 kms in just 6 hours on a full night drive between 11 pm to 5 am.
8):While in Rajasthan,you people can spend good times while night drives,this is what I do.How?Simple,now a days the weather there is not that hot in day time,so simply carry out your sight seeing.while at night drive hard in the warmth of your car's heater and cover the distance.Reach your destination and sleep and then again repeat
the same cycle.
Many times I have made full night drives all alone in my car as well as with people where only I knew driving or others were not expert at it and I know what problems we face.After 10,however you are fresh,but your eyes will start revolting.after 12 you will feel tired and after 1,you will hate steering.So get your companions in a way that one drives for maximum 4-5 hours,this will help a lot.
Last but most important:-
All four of you adults must buckle up while driving,especially at night.Why?Because while the night drives your passengers at the rear seat must be sleeping.And everyone knows that speed is high in night drives,so in case due to any reason panic braking is done by the driver,then there are a lot of chances that the passengers at the rear get their heads banged at any metallic par of the car or get neck injuries.Your companions may feel it weird tieing seat belts at rear,but its safe for night drives.
Here is one such incident encountered by us:-
My cousin sister and her husband with his friend were coming from Chandigarh to Meerut and at about 1:30 in night due to some reason,the brother-in-law had to apply hard brakes to save some vehicle,since the sister was sleeping at the rear so she banged her head very hard on the front seat backs and get a neck injury.More than 20 months have passed,still they have to visit doctor due to injury..
So you got my point?