Pune To Coastal Karnataka & Coorg

Thread Starter #1
Mar 19, 2014
A word of caution: This travelogue is lengthy.

Last year (2018) proved to be traveler year for me. This is the third long trip we had in single year. I can say this because we were back home just couple of hours before 31st midnight.
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So our travelling bug started itching us as Christmas and year end holidays were declared in school. Last time we covered few areas of East coast hence this time decided to cover West coast. I made my mind to plan this trip in relaxed way as every time we end up planning all our trips in tight schedule. My homework started few weeks before trip commencement (to me this was short notice). Got hold of Tripadvisor and glanced through few packages of travel companies to select the locations. This time we decided to explore few temples of Karnataka. I could see that Coorg was not that far from our line and it was in my bucket list for long time hence along with coastal region I added Coorg to my itinerary.

The year-end holiday time is very terrible to get proper hotel booking. Either most of the hotels are packed to brim or they have exorbitant amount. Our plan was to start trip from Sirsi and end at Coorg. First the entire coastal plan was made keeping the base as Gokarna but sadly most of the hotels were full. So, we moved our base to Kumta and rescheduled our plan, but the hotels were literally overpriced. At last after too much of searching we got good deal at Udupi and we once again rescheduled our entire trip keeping base as Udupi.

Day 1:

We started our trip in relaxed way from Pune towards Hubli. The highway was good as usual with hardly 1-2 diversion till Satara. This time Khambatki ghat seems moving and clear hence it was a breeze to drive till Satara. We entered Kophapur for our lunch at Opal Restaurant. After having sumptuous lunch of thalis, we headed to Hubli and retired for the day.

Day 2:

We started from Hubli towards our first destination of trip which was Madhukeshwara Temple in Banvasi. We exited NH48 after Hubli and joined a good state highway which passed through some lovely jungles. The roads were having many twist and turns. The road was doable from Tadas to Mundgod later the tar got vanished from few sections till Banvasi.

We reached the arch of Banvasi village but still Google maps were showing us to take Right and drive for 1 Km to reach temple. I thought due to village street google map must have shown this road. I obeyed google and drove for 1 km, we came across a small gravel road which was passing through paddy field. Without a single thought made U turn and came back towards the arch again and drove straight into village towards temple. It was good road and there as ample amount of parking near the entrance of temple.

Madhukeshwara Temple, Banvasi

This is famous temple in Banvasi which was once a capital of Karnataka. The temple is created in 9th century by Kadamba dynasty.





There is this monolithic statue of the Nandi at the entrance.

After completing darshan we headed towards Sirsi. The roads from Banvasi to Sirsi are amazing. It seems pineapples are largely cultivated here as we saw many pineapple field on our way. There were many sellers along the way who were selling sliced pieces of pineapples. We also stopped and tasted its sweetness.

A bit different type of pineapple

In no time we reached Sirsi town where some narrow lane through market area took us to Marikamba temple. The temple has its paid parking lot slightly ahead towards left side of road.

Marikamba Temple, Sirsi

It is said that the idol of goddesses was found in Sirsi. The walls of the temple have some good paintings done over it.


We headed from Marikamba temple towards Hulgol to see famous Sahasralinga.

There is good parking facility near Sahasralinga but they charge too much for it (somewhere at Rs.30). You need to descend some slippery steps to reach the water body. It was amazing to see number of shivling carved on the rocks in flowing water of Shalmala river. The water is knee deep where you can walk towards shivlings.



Day 3:

We started from Sirsi after having breakfast. Today was the day where I need to reach our trip base point. Yes!! Udupi!

The car was passing through number of twist and turns surrounded by greenery. The road surface was good even in ghat section. Our plan was to reach Yana rocks hence Gmaps were set for it. After passing by Kodamble village Google lady told us to take right.

There was a KSRTC bus standing there hence I waited after giving right indicator. The bus driver put his head out and asked me whether I am heading towards Yana Rocks. I nodded my head. He came down from bus and warned me that the road was not good and its sort of 4x4 trail. He asked me to drive straight 3 kms more and take right turn. I agreed with him as I also have read some reviews of bad roads near Yana.

Yana Rocks

We drove 3 kms straight towards Kumta side where we saw signage of Yanna rocks. We took right as suggested by KSRTC driver. The road was narrow but doable. It was having some steep gradient. I could see most of the vehicles including tourist buses were taking same road. This road ends at Yana rocks parking. The parking area is good but made messy by local drivers by parking their vehicles criss-cross way. It is better to park beside road and walk for few meters.

From vehicle parking zone one needs to trek for approximate 1 km to reach the steps leading to Yana rocks. The path is good with tree canopy all the way. There is small water crossing (Ankle deep) where kids will enjoy. There are some ascending steps (not counted) which will take you towards base on rocks. Old people might find this climb bit tiresome.

First glimpse of Yana rocks after climbing.

Once you are on the top then you can see this amazingly huge rock.


There is small temple here through which you can enter Yana cave. The entry passes through temple hence you need to walk bare footed. Yana caves is nothing but a passage (at times narrow) passing through the rocks.

Few click from inside of Yana cave.


There is a small refreshment hotel near temple at Yana rocks mostly serving ice cream and cold drinks. You need to come down again at Sirsi-Kumta road to get some decent hotel. We found “Hotel Abhiruchi” to be good hotel with clean washrooms. We had our lunch before proceeding to Gokarna

The Sirsi Kumta road touched NH66. The highway has few diversions which are good in shape. Few sections where 4 lanes are completed are in excellent condition. With this lovely drive we entered Gokarna. The streets of Gokarna are very narrow and congested with local traffic. It’s better to do pay and park at KSRTC Bus stand from where the temple is at walkable distance.

Mahabaleshwara Temple

We started walking from bus stand towards Mahabaleshwara temple. The roads were full of tourist and foreigners (mostly hippies). On the way you come across Mahaganpathi temple. It is said to have darshan of Ganpathi first before entering Gokarna temple. We took Ganpathi darshan and moved ahead towards Mahabaleshwara Temple.

The temple complex in huge and crowdy. There was long queue for darshan. Men’s need to enter topless into sanctum. After some half an hour we entered sanctum and had darshan of Mahabaleshwara. This shivlinga is different form normal one, it has hole in between it. I have read somewhere that when you put your hand inside that hole the linga feels soft. I inserted my hand inside but could not feel it. By this time the security has already started moving people out of sanctum to accommodate others. We came out just to see that sun has already set for the day. Our plan of visiting Gokarna beach which was at walkable distance from temple got cancelled.

Started the car to head towards Udupi. NH66 has two lane road in most of the part till Kundapur. The road has many diversions and witness’s crazy overtakes. One needs to be extra cautious while doing night drives. There are many unmarked speed humps as well. After Kundapur till Mangalore the road is amazing and 4 laned. The surface is smooth to do triple digits, just watch out for village crossings and barricades. We reached Udupi at night and crashed on beds.

Day 4:

We woke lazily this day. After having Udupi breakfast, we straightway headed to famous Srikrishna temple. There is paid parking facility available near temple. The temple is crowdy with long queue.

Srikrishna Temple

It is said that the idol of Srikrishna was found in sea at Malpe. There is a pond near Srikrishna temple where this idol was immersed for few days. This pond is named as “Madhava Sarovara”. Once can see this pond through queue itself. There are many fishes and tortoise inside this pond.

It took us almost one hour to reach main sanctum. Photography is prohibited inside temple. One need to take darshan of Srikrishna from one of the nine holes. The story says, that there was one ardent believer of Srikrishna named Kanakadasa. He came to temple to worship lord but as he was from lower caste hence was not allowed entry inside temple. Lord was pleased by the worship of Kanakadasa hence created a small hole in the back wall of the temple and turned to face the hole so that Kanakadasa could see him. This hole came to be known as KanakanaKindi or Navagraha Kitiki. All devotees need to take darshan of lord Shrikrishan through these holes.

We took some click after coming outside.

Goshala at temple

Gita Mandir

There is prasadalya in this temple which offers free meals to all devotees. The taste is divine, one should not miss this.

Udupi was too hot and humid in December as well. We were seating too much. Decided to come back to hotel and start for Malpe beach in evening. A short siesta in hotel was bit extended and we need to run towards our next location which was Malpe beach and Saint Marys island.

The streets are bit narrow inside Malpe village. Somehow, we reached the parking lot from where the ferry to Saint Marys island begins. The return ticket for ferry is Rs.250/adult (more than 10 years) and Rs.150 for kids with age 5 to 10 years. You need to stand in queue to enter the ferry. They provide life jackets for everyone. Once the ferry is full to brim then they start journey towards island.

I remembered our cruise ride in Goa as the ferry operator started Tollywood and Bollywood numbers where locals started dancing in ferry itself. The ferry takes almost 20-25min to reach near island but due to its size it cannot touch island hence all passengers are transferred into small steamer boat which takes you near to island. One needs to walk for 10-20 meters in knee deep water to enter island.

Saint Marys Island

The island felt serene and clean. They don’t allow any sort of outside food and plastic inside island. The beach on this island was equally clean with clear water. The island is made up to coral hence you may see many sorts of shells and crabs here. Kids will enjoy it.

Island as seen from boat

Entrance of island where your bags are checked for outside food or plastic

Lovely landscape on island

Feels like a paradise

Rock formation

We were having good time on island when security whistled everyone to exit as it was time for last ferry towards Malpe. We could see that sun was setting down on horizon. I quickly clicked the sunset pic and headed towards ferry point.

We joined a long queue to enter ferry. The small boat transfers you into ferry which further takes you to Malpe. Till the time ferry reached coast it was dark so the plan to visit Malpe beach was cancelled. We headed back to Udupi and with good Udupi dinner we ended our day.

Day 5:

We woke up quiet early this day. After having a good breakfast, we started our car and headed towards Kollur at Sri Mookambika Temple. The roads after exiting NH66 are good in condition. There are few villages enroute but there are no facilities till Kollur once you exit highway.

After traveling on many twist and turns we reached parking lot of temple which was full to its brim. I need to drive one more Km just to get few feet of area to park my car. As expected the temple was crowded that day. The queue was way too long.

After enquiring I came to know that they have special darshan by charging Rs.100 /adult (kids free). Paid the amount, got the ticket and completed darshan in flat 20 minutes. Photography is strictly prohibited inside temple.

Mookambika temple


We started our journey towards NH66 for our next visit which was Murudeshwar. The highway was witnessing less traffic in noon hours while we were witnessing humid climate and lots of sweating in this entire region.

The last few kilometres to Murudeshwar was having piled up traffic because of few touristy buses. We somehow reached parking space of Murudeshwar which was as expected full. I parked my car near Exit board of parking place.


When we came out of car we could see Murudeshwar beach flooded with crowds.

Behind us was standing the famous 18 storey gopuram

We headed towards huge statue of Shiva. There is temple near this statue and small museum at the base of it. The museum entrance is Rs.5/head. The museum has statues depicting story of shivlingas at Gokarna and Murudeshwar. Kids will enjoy this museum.





After taking darshan we headed towards gopuram. The gopuram is having lift which takes you to eighteenth floor from where you could see entire area of Murudeshwar. The lift charge is Rs.10/adult (above 10 years) and Rs.5/kid (age 5 to 10 years).

Gopuram as seen from Shiva statue

View of Murudeshwar from 18th floor

The other side of Murudeshwar beach appeared less crowdy

Till the time we came back to our car it was already 5:00pm. We quickly started from Murudeshwar towards Marvanthe. The highway was now having miscellaneous traffic with trucks not giving way to overtake. The sunset was about to happen when we reached Marvanthe. I parked my car along road side in sand and clicked sunset along with it.

Lovely sunset from Marvanthe beach

We were there at the beach till it got dark. The beach becomes secluded after dark. We moved out from there towards Udupi. Had one more Udupi thali for dinner and retired for the day.

Day 5:
Initially this day was planned to be free just to enjoy at beach and relax but somehow, we thought of doing Horandu and Sringeri temple. We set google maps for Annapurneshwari Temple and started our journey.

The roads are single lane with some villages enroute but still one can maintain good speeds on them. The road later passes through Kudremukha Forest. You need to enter your car details at check post. For cars there is time limit of 1:30Hrs to reach second check post. The road in forest are in good conditions with some steep bends. After exiting the forest, we came across lovely tea estates.




After clicking some photos, we proceeded ahead. The roads from Kudremukha to Hornadu are in mixed state. The tar is vanished in some sections hence average speed may be 60Kmph. Need to watch out for some jumbo speed breakers in this patch. After few twist and turns we reached the temple.

Annapurneshwari Temple

There is parking space on road itself but is well marked and seems designated. There is washroom facility near the parking lot. One need to climb few steps to reach temple. The temple was having less rush. Men’s need to enter the sanctum topless. We got nice darshan of goddesses in peaceful environment.

After darshan we headed to their prasadalaya where they serve you meal as prasad. There was long queue for it, but the wait was good as we tasted some amazing food as prasad.

When we came back to our parked car I could see many local buses gathering passengers for Sringeri and Udupi. We set our Gmaps with Sringeri location and started our journey.

Blunder with Google maps!!
As soon as we exited Annapurneshwari parking lot google lady asked us to take right in some narrow-broken lane towards Sringeri. I obeyed and made right turn just to witness the steepest and terrible road. I was slowly tackling the gradient when one Honda City behind me was impatient to go ahead. I gave him way and came back to again tackle the road. After some 5 minutes I could see the same Honda city coming in opposite direction. Out of curiosity about road condition ahead I waved him to stop. He told the road is very treacherous ahead and it’s better to take SH106 and make left turn after Hornadu. I obeyed his instruction, made U turn and joined state highway.

That day Gmaps must have gone crazy and showed us some terrible 4x4 trail road to join NH169 after exiting SH106. This lonely road was literally a test for your driving skills and cars suspension. This road passed through some steepest ghats, narrow road, broken tarmac, off roading trails and not to mention but there was one water crossing as well. Now I could not even locate it on Gmaps.

I would suggest people to take slightly longest and safe road via Kudremukh – Kerekatte – Sringeri.


After few heart in mouth situation we reached Sringeri safely, parked our car in there designated parking lot. Sringeri town is also known for Sharada Peetham established by Adishankaracharya. There is an oldest temple of Vidyashankara as well in this campus. The carving on this temple are simply amazing

The gopuram at the entrance.

Shri Sharada Peetham

Vidyashankara Temple

By the time we came out it was already getting dark. A quick glance at Gmaps told me to take Agumbe route towards Udupi. It was nice patch of state highway passing through Agumbe Ghats. The roads in ghat felt bit narrow apart from pin bends. One needs to be extra careful while driving in night. We reached Udupi and had our dinner at famous Woodland Restaurant.
Thread Starter #2
Mar 19, 2014
Day 6:

The plan for this day was to move to Madikeri from Udupi. Though of quickly covering Maple beach as we have missed it due to lack of time. My son was also interested hence after having breakfast we started towards Malpe beach, but the road connecting main highway was closed by barricades. The entire traffic was routed inside narrow lanes of Udupi. We tried reaching highway from all sorts but were not successful as every turn joining highway was blocked by cops. After enquiring we came to know that there was President visit to Udupi due to which they have blocked all road towards highway. We felt loss in Udupi lanes, by now it was close to 10:00am. After convincing my son we dropped Malpe beach plan and came back to hotel.

After getting freshen up we bid goodbye to Udupi and started for Madikeri. The roads are good throughout the section. The last ghat section from Sulia towards Madikeri has some broken patches but still doable. By early evening we reached Madikeri and ended our day with good north Indian food (after many days).

From food just remembered that one must try Gadbad ice cream when in Coastal KA.

Day 7:

We woke with pleasant morning in Madikeri. We could highly feel it as we have sweated a lot in coastal region all these days. After having breakfast, we started towards Namdroling Monastery. The road was straight and good. We parked our car in there huge paid parking area.

Namdroling Monastery (Golden Temple)

The monastery and its surroundings are very well maintained and clean.



Inside of Monastery



Burning lamps

After monastery visit we headed to Hunsur. The plan was to drive inside Nagarhole forest. The road section till Hunsur is one of the lovely patch where you can do triple digits, just watch out for cows and villages enroute.

Nagahole Forest road:
The road is closed from 6:00pm to 6:00am. Initial plan was to make U turn and come back to Madikeri via Hunsur, but officer at forest checkpost denied it and said it was one-way route towards Kutta. You need to convince the officer for driving inside forest if you are not using KA or KL registered vehicle. They entered details of our car along with travellers and handed a receipt with timestamp printed on it.

There is a time limit of 1 hour to reach other checkpost at Kutta side, they are very strict about this timeframe as there are fines stated as Rs.1000 per car for 1-hour delay, Rs.2000 for 2 hours and Rs.4000 for beyond 2 hours.

We spotted lots of deers and monkeys inside forest but failed to spot any other animal in entire patch.

Wildlife crossing forest road


Road inside forest in evening light

Wildlife beside road



The forest road in late evenings sometimes gave an ‘Eerie’ feel!!

We came out of forest at Kutta side. The officer opened gate after showing receipt. Saw one TN registered car getting fined as they got delayed by few minutes ahead of 1 hour.

We took Kutta – Virajpet road to reach Madikeri. The roads are terrible from Kutta to Gonikoppal. Lots of broken tarmac throughout added by twist and turns. From Gonikoppal till Viarjpet the roads are fantastic. From Virajpet to Madikeri the roads are in mix state, watch out for local buses and tempo travellers in ghats, they never give you way. Got some heart in mouth situation in this patch.

Day 8:

While going to monastery we saw Nisargadham beside road. It seemed good for kids hence planned to visit there. Took excellent NH275 till Guddehusur and reached parking lot of Nisargadham. The parking fee is Rs.20 and entrance fee is Rs.10/adult and Rs.5/kid.

The entrance gate is carved in wooden trunk. There is hanging bridge at the entrance beneath which there is facility of pedal boating.

The area is well maintained with bamboo forest all through it. They have created some statues in this area depicting rural culture.

A small deer park is situated in their campus, we skipped it as we saw lot of deers in Nagarhole a day before. A small zipline activity is present where they take Rs.100 per head. Kids will enjoy here.

There is knee deep flow of kaveri river inside this area. You can walk inside river easily. It looked like amazon forest to me

After enjoying couple of hours here we headed back to Madikeri for exploring Madikeri fort.

Madikeri Fort

The fort is situated in mid of town centre. You won't easily notice the way to parking spot of this fort. There are three roads going up where there are no signs. One road is closed with bars for 4 wheelers, the other goes somewhere in village and third one goes into fort. I somehow parked my car on road going inside village and came walking towards fort. Mind it, that all three roads are steep.

After entering fort, I was highly disappointed as there is just one government building in mid of fort where tourists are not allowed. You can have a walk on the ramparts of the fort for some 10 mins and come down near gate. At the gate there is small museum which can be covered in 5 mins.


When we came out it was almost sunset time hence we hurriedly went to Rajas seat which is famous for the views of sunset.

Raja's Seat
As we neared to this place we witnessed tightly parked cars on both side of road due to which traffic was piled up. We parked our car little ahead of the entrance. There was huge rush to enter Rajas seat. The sunset point was very crowdy. We somehow reached the point to witness that sun has already set.

The valley view from this point was amazing.

Once sunset happens, then entire crowd from viewpoint moves towards garden to see musical fountain show. While heading towards garden I just glimpsed back to valley which looked beautiful after sunset

Day 9:

We started our journey back towards home. The plan was to drive till Davangere and take overnight halt. The road was going through Halebeedu hence decided to check Halebeedu temples on the way.

The roads from Madikeri to Halebeedu is single lane but quite wide and good in surface. Need to watch some legendary speed breakers in this patch.

Kedareshwar Temple

The temple is huge and amazing with lots of carvings on it. The site is less visited by people it seems as we were the only souls there.

Carvings on temple



From here we went few kilometres ahead to visit the famous temple of Hoyasaleshwara. There parking is beside road near KSRTC bus stand but the attendant charges whopping Rs.50 per car.

Hoysaleshwar Temple

The temple is vast with good landscapes maintained beside it. This temple is one of the crowdy temple with many peoples, school children’s and groups inside.


Inside of main sanctum


Huge Nandi in front of temple

The temple has some excellent carvings on it




We continued our journey towards Davangere by taking Halebeedu – Channagiri – Davangere route. Up till Kadur the roads are filled with miscellaneous traffic with some crazy overtakes by buses. Lots of tractors in this patch. After Kadur the drive is by SH76, this highway was one of the prettiest road I have driven in KA. Simple amazing and with good surface. It was delighting to drive till Davangere as the road was well marked with almost zero traffic. Also, the patch of almost 100 Kms has no speed breakers. Somehow, they have left some bridges of few meters unattended where the tar is not present.

Found this stunt man doing antics on SH76, when we clicked him he smiled and showed his hand. Don’t know how his bike was moving without touching accelerator.

Day 10:

Started from Davangere towards Pune after having benne dosa at famous Guru Kotteshwara. Entire NH48 was good as usual. Some road widening work is happening till Haveri, but diversions are nicely marked and are in good shape. We reached safely at home on 31st night to welcome new year. I felt Pune colder than coorg that day!!

Few takeaways from this trip,

1) Coastal Karnataka section felt quite humid in December. We sweated a lot in our period of stay.
2) The yearend time is very terrible when it comes to hotel booking, I would avoid these days going ahead
3) Your schedule might go on toss based on the crowd in temples.
4) Ticket counter for ferry at Saint Marys Island accept only cash
5) Driving and parking in Coorg is way better than other hill stations

Thanks for reading this lengthy travelogue!! Wish you all a very Happy New Year !!


Honoured Member
Jan 16, 2016
Excellent pictures of nature and ancient temples - nicely explained travelogue.!

And those picture of ice cream - it gives a feeling of live ice cream in front of me[cheers]
Thread Starter #4
Mar 19, 2014
Excellent pictures of nature and ancient temples - nicely explained travelogue.!

And those picture of ice cream - it gives a feeling of live ice cream in front of me[cheers]
Thanks Nair sir for your words. Yes the icecreams were amazing, we made it sure that we had it once in a day in our stay. [:D]
Mar 30, 2011
Enjoyed reading, yaar. The Photos are impressive and make me feel really really proud of our ancestors and culture.
Take away for me ??? I am going to Sringeri soon. Thanks for the motivation [thumbsup]
Thread Starter #6
Mar 19, 2014
Enjoyed reading, yaar. The Photos are impressive and make me feel really really proud of our ancestors and culture.
Take away for me ??? I am going to Sringeri soon. Thanks for the motivation [thumbsup]
Thanks for the reply. You may club Hornadu as well along with Sringeri.


Honoured Member
Oct 15, 2011
Some Village
MAN! Thats some grand trip, True to your Name. Really enjoyed reading the detailed description and read it in whole one shot!
It has been quite a while I've visitied south. Perhaps Its time to head again!

How did your small Humble Ride behave throuout the trip? And What FE did you manage?
Jul 10, 2017
This has to be one of the best travelogue i have come across in recent times.

I have been to Murudeshwara but was unaware of all the beautiful places so close by and on the same route.
Thanks a lot for sharing the finest tourist spots of the South.
I am sure all the above places will have more footfall because of this Travelogue.
Thread Starter #9
Mar 19, 2014
MAN! Thats some grand trip, True to your Name. Really enjoyed reading the detailed description and read it in whole one shot!
It has been quite a while I've visitied south. Perhaps Its time to head again!

How did your small Humble Ride behave throuout the trip? And What FE did you manage?
Thank you bhvm !! The car behaved very well in this trip. It did not struggled anywhere, due to its sheer width it can be parked anywhere which is at time bliss in overflowed parking lots.
I have not calculated FE, i just filled it and moved [:)]
Thread Starter #10
Mar 19, 2014
This has to be one of the best travelogue i have come across in recent times.

I have been to Murudeshwara but was unaware of all the beautiful places so close by and on the same route.
Thanks a lot for sharing the finest tourist spots of the South.
I am sure all the above places will have more footfall because of this Travelogue.
Thank you SilverEyez !! The spots are very famous with the local peoples. The temples are flooded with devotees in this region, but all in all good locations to visit and witness some excellent architecture.
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