PowerPig! KTM Duke 390 - October 2014

Jul 22, 2013
Underbelly mount screwed up by SVC

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Parts are so cheap.
Bellypan Rear Mounting Bracket - JY181219 - ₹ 23.00

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First puncture on Michelin.

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Repaired DIY. Whom ever did this, go to hell [evil] (puncture mafia)

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These comes handy.

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Leak test

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WTH !!

That's like the screw was pushed into the tire. Not even a bend to believe that it was from the road [frustration]
Thread Starter #108


Honoured Member
Sep 11, 2009
Was running on a mix of Motocool and stock coolant filled by SVC during radiator change. So thought of switching back to Motul Motocool Expert ₹ 425.00

2017-03-26 16-58-35.JPG
2017-03-26 16-58-45.JPG


2017-03-26 10-13-42.JPG


2017-03-26 10-21-09.JPG

Again with distilled water and vinegar.

2017-03-26 10-25-43.JPG

Then with distilled water.

2017-03-26 15-18-07.JPG

Disaster struck. Coolant mixing with oil.

2017-03-26 19-41-37.jpg

Orange Assist to rescue. Was expecting a small Tata Ace or Piaggio Ape, but was dumbstruck seeing this, a flatbed [lol] Took 2 hours to come after making the call, but the response was overwhelming.

2017-03-27 12-06-48.jpg

Bike sat at KTM Trivandrum for 17 days. Thanks to shortage of staff and holidays and a harthal. Only one senior mech. They are expanding and moving out of the congested space and instead of lame excuses they openly said delay is due to staff shortage, so did not complain.

2017-04-05 12-44-48.jpg



Spark Plug - JY351205 - ₹ 174.01
Oil Filter - JG571014 - ₹ 74.00
Motul 7100 10W50 - OILCRGJG - 1.5 L - ₹ 1,214.99

Water Pump Rotor and Seal Kit - 36JL0039 - ₹ 292.00
Valve Stem Seal - CB101009 - x4 - ₹ 123.98
Gasket - CS101128 - ₹ 3.70
Clutch Cover Gasket - JY541225 - ₹ 53.00
Loctite 5702 10 gm Liquid Gasket Kit - 36001051 - ₹ 83.00
Cotter Valve - CB101022 - ₹ 4.80

Paid Labor - LL1009207 - ₹ 2,875.00
Outside Labour - LL1009205 - ₹ 690.00 (Engine Decarb)
Paid Service - LL1009201 - ₹ 345.00
Chain Lube - LL1009203 - ₹ 115.00

Total: Around ₹ 6,000.00

Painted the handle guard black. Bosny Primer + Nippon Pylox Lazer Gloss Black + Nippon Pylox Lazer Gloss Clear

2017-04-16 17-21-01.JPG
Thread Starter #110


Honoured Member
Sep 11, 2009
April Continues, May, June and July - Most Terrible Days of Ownership

2017-07-04 18-09-55.jpg

2017-07-05 18-06-11.jpg

Bike started acting weird after the head work. Idles perfect after cold start. Runs fine and shuts off at the first instance I slow down, like crossing the road or slowing in traffic. Won't start anyway. Playing with engine kill and keys and priming it starts up. Then runs fine. This grew up annoyingly to a stage where it shuts when ever throttle is left and bike rolling in gear or even holding clutch.

Took back to Trivandrum Deedi Probiking. Now the terror begins. No works manager. SA runs the shop and a few amateur (rather immature) mechanics.

Explained the scenario to SA. With 100% confused, he called the mechanic and we explained the same. Both watching each other, confused and with no clue, took the bike for TD and absolute no prob. Told them at least 10 times then issue is with cold start and started after the head work.

Left the bike there. Diagnosis >> faulty wiring. They agreed to find the fault and repair, saving a lot in cost of whole wiring kit. Days go by, bike starts gathering dust. Daily morning visit to them to get the work started. Mechanic quit. New works manager joins.

Work resumes. Starts swapping parts, issue persists. With almost 80% electrical new and another ECU, issue still persist. Calls up KTM Pune for support. Confirms fault with wiring. Orders new wiring kit. Estimate 15k including labor and full service. Fingers crossed. Installed new kit, issue still persist [confused]

Next the bomb, shock of my life. New mechanic joins. Confirms cylinder kit issue. 26k estimate. Some insider told to ask them to hold the job and complain KTM stating issue started after head work (which SVC did not accept, so does the manager (who is gonna enter scene next)).

Started search for regional manager's number, which SVC people were reluctant to give. Posted in a couple of biker forums and got number. Called up the guy. Such an adamant guy. Even without hearing full issue, he was saying its no fault of head work and usage issue and nothing can be done by him. Only good thing happened because of his interference was SVC agreed upon replacing piston rings alone instead of whole kit. He was too busy, had to beg 5 minutes from him. (A Ninja 300 buddy had brushed with him previously and complained Bajaj of his arrogance and blocking his number).

After this whole dealings was directly with works manager. SA started showing his inferiority complex after we started better troubleshooting than him and he started avoiding facing us, hiding or escaping through back door.

Finally, engine reworked. Greatest pain in life. Bike was still virgin, never ever redlined till date, max 6-8k rpm even on highway cruise, tried 150 once. Always idled at cold start and before engine kill. And engine gone at 30k km. Cursed the reliability of KTM.

This was by July after bike sitting at SVC since April end. By now, mechanics changed 4 times. Lost in translation, issue to be solved for current guy was overheating and compression loss.


Coolant Water Temperature Sensor - ₹ 200.00 (Unnecessary, proven later)
Valve Cover Gasket Kit - ₹ 305.00
Spark Plug (Bosch-VR5NE) - ₹ 196.00 (Only recently changed)
Magneto Cover Gasket - ₹ 75.00
Radiator Fan - ₹1216.00 (Unnecessary, proven later)
Valve Stem Seal - x4 - ₹124.00
Shim Kit 2.40 mm - ₹ 39.00
Shim Kit 2.34 mm - JY5112131AR - ₹ 39.00
Shim Kit 2.48 mm - ₹ 39.00
Shim Kit 2.38 mm - JY511231AT - ₹ 39.00
Piston Ring Kit - ₹ 1889.00
Cylinder Block Gasket - ₹ 75.00
Cylinder Head Gasket - ₹455.00
Gasket - ₹ 10.45
Clutch Cover Gasket - ₹68.33
Magneto Cover Gasket - ₹69.80
Tie Rod Assembly - ₹ 259.00
Cable Tie Orange - x10 - ₹45.00
Band (L150) - x10 - ₹20.48

Labor - ₹ 4,130.00

Total Damage - ₹ 9500.00

(To be continued....)
Thread Starter #111


Honoured Member
Sep 11, 2009
Terror is back

Next, morning, to our shock issue is back, but to a lesser degree. Tried 2 more days and returned the bike, everyone clueless. None of the SA ready to take the bike. Finally a just-returned-old-mech agreed to work up on the bike. Again, started swapping parts and trialing. Finally zeroes to throttle body. After our consent, it was changed, another 7k quoted. All previous works done were unnecessary including engine rework [frustration]. They said only delivery after 2-3 days thorough test drives (bike ran 300 km in TD alone in this dormant period).

Finally D-day, doomed. Issue still there. Last and only part to be swapped "THE SCREWED UP HEAD." That would add up another 7k. Said won't pay a penny if that was the reason for all the agony we went through and the money lost.

Tada. All issues solved with just replacing it. Bike is back running, fine, but some new issues cropped up. Didn't pay anything. Could have reclaimed the money spent and extra damage for the situation been through, but let it go.

Tried calling the area manager to mock him, but he never picked up.

2017-07-07 08-51-57.JPG

Aftermaths of leaving at SVC for 3 months.

Finding missing bolts and refixing everything. Horn rewired.

2017-07-06 21-01-21.JPG

Mangled number plate, it was even worse.

2017-07-06 21-01-33.JPG

Idiots drained the tank without removing the cap assembly.

2017-07-06 21-02-19.JPG

Screwed up connections. Horn wiring was royally screwed. Don't know how to connect a 4-pin relay. Battery was swapped with some OEM ones and tool kit was missing. Luckily saw that before delivery.

2017-07-06 21-02-29.JPG

New issue, heavy oil leak. Oil drips whereever parked. First thought it was chain lube, but continued after chain dried up.

2017-07-16 08-43-38.JPG

2017-07-16 22-14-59.JPG

Clicked after spraying diesel.

2017-07-16 08-43-49.JPG
2017-07-16 08-44-29.JPG

Took back to SVC, gave them a day to fix it. Took it back after smelt delay, not wanting to leave it there for even a day.
Thread Starter #112


Honoured Member
Sep 11, 2009
After discussion in biker friend circle, found a FNG working on bigger CC bikes. Biker's Garage. A guy who knew what he was doing.

2017-08-18 18-55-38.jpg
2017-08-24 19-48-02.jpg

Back home after fixing leaks. Ran a few days without belly, now it is back on.

2017-08-25 07-36-28.jpg

He even changed air filter. This one is from Discover and he says is better than KTM OEM. Discover filter is 40 rs costlier than KTM filter [lol]

2017-08-25 21-02-09.jpg
2017-08-25 21-02-25.jpg
2017-08-25 21-02-47.jpg

Places where it leaked. Some fixes are temporary. He ordered for packing. He documents everything, showed pics of all internals before he worked.

2017-08-27 11-10-58.JPG
2017-08-27 11-11-06.JPG

He charged a total of 3.1k. Replaced fork oil and seals, cone set (terribly rusted without lubrication), fixed oil leak, changed air filter, clutch lever (which had play and clutch switch not engaging, which I complained at SVC), wash, lube.
Thread Starter #113


Honoured Member
Sep 11, 2009
Final touches.

Repainted horn.

2017-08-13 16-24-18.jpg
2017-08-13 17-38-23.jpg

Bought number plate frames, 150/pair.

2017-08-25 21-04-43.jpg

Straightened the plate as best as possible.

2017-08-26 17-33-22.jpg

Renewed Orange Assist Program - ₹ 840.00

Changed Clutch Cable - JY161200 - ₹ 163.00
Thread Starter #114


Honoured Member
Sep 11, 2009
August 2017:

Post-service damage fixing continues. Sanded, primed and painted.

2017-08-27 19-52-35.jpg
2017-08-27 23-56-32.jpg

Number plate frame cuts the light on top part.

2017-08-29 20-09-12.jpg

September 2017:

Bit late than never, 35k. Could have long back, if not hibernated at **** service center.

2017-09-30 19-52-55.JPG

October 2017:

Washed, lubed, all fluids topped. Ready for a trip.

2017-09-30 23-21-43.JPG

Unfortunate, terror struck. Had a spell, trying to avoid a pothole. Called Orange Assist. No tow truck in vicinity and no service centers due to long holiday weekend. Nearest one was 25 km away. Only option left for call center guy, transport on your own and they will refund all the expenses incurred. Finally, parked the bike at an acquintances home and continued trip.

Worst thing, broken shifter.

2017-10-01 07-52-27.jpg

Crashguard took the toll. Must say, the only purpose built crash guard with all others for leg protection. Saved the bike, without damaging the chassis.

2017-10-01 07-52-35.jpg

I hate it. Broken bolt. Second time. Was worried about welding and removing again. Again, luck. Took a plier, held the slight not, rotated, came out without any drama. [clap]

2017-10-01 07-52-39.jpg

Apart from that, not even a scratch on the bike. Rider also walked away, thanks to gear.
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Thread Starter #115


Honoured Member
Sep 11, 2009
Gear Lever Assembly - JG161015 - ₹ 626.00
Older type was under ₹300.00

2017-10-04 08-37-30.JPG
2017-10-04 08-37-40.JPG
2017-10-04 08-38-00.JPG

RTR Mirror LHS - N9221450 - ₹ 220.00
LHS mirror also broke in the fall.

2017-10-04 08-38-49.JPG

Old one with new improved/sturdy one.

2017-10-08 09-25-40.JPG

Lever for bearings for free, smoother shifts.

2017-10-08 09-25-31.JPG

Got the lever and replaced and took the bike from the safe house. Was a 10-minute job, including new mounting mirrors.

Back and running. Minus the crash guard.

2017-10-08 09-36-57 (2).JPG

Leg Guard LH - JG231209 - ₹ 122.00 (Dirt cheap).
Didn't install yet (Been a month since purchase, the time of this post). Bolts are ordered and no show till now. Parts stuck at their old shop, shifting is slow. Laziest people I have ever seen. 2 Need 2 bolts, one high tensile bolt holding the crash guard to chassis and another "headless" bolt holding the engine subframe, which also holds the guard.

2017-10-08 09-43-20.JPG

Gets custom LED. 4.5W (0.5W x9)

2017-10-11 07-40-13.JPG
2017-10-26 21-41-55.JPG

New service center. It's big, lots of bays and huge parking. Security guard is really annoying. Have to pass his interview to get in. Spare counter is after service floor and he won't let anyone in the floor, no matter what. At old SVC, bay was crowded with billing, spare and customer lounge at a tight space. He is right from the safety standards, but illogical. For ordering spares, we have to call the spare guy to the gate, making him shuttle at least 3 times from inquiry, ordering, billing, till payment and delivery. We can easily go through parking without affecting the work, he just wont let pass the gate.

2017-10-19 12-05-47.jpg

Insurance renewed with National Insurance. Premium ₹ 1,990.00 with IDV ₹1,13,491.00
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Aug 9, 2016
It's been a loong time last time I checked your posts. Man that's a lot of trouble you have been through. Yours is the only detailed ownership thread I have read.
Why not a upgrade?

Last time I asked about the ABS installation on a DUkE 200 2016 & buddy it is successful after spending 18k & 2k for the Technician.
(8K deduction included for the DUkE 200s wiring & instrument cluster)

ABS control Modulator ,390 wiring, Brake lines & Magnetic sensor wires costed 18k. sourced from a Guy who deals with KTM parts which he claims he got from a group of engg students from Cummins Clg, Pune.
Salvaged parts are brand new & the donor bike had done mere 1000kms.
Reason I got them for cheap -There is not a single case when the Bosch ABS modulator failed or has caused a problem so he had hard time finding a buyer for it.

Rest all the small stuff Metal ABS sensor rings,ABS ECU(Yes there's a separate control unit called integral unit made by bajaj costing-1118/- located on left side of Tank) 10mm bolts,ABS module installation Bracket,ABS instrument cluster,clamps & stuff costed 8081/-.
Installation was pretty straight forward swapping the new wiring,fitting the ABS unit. Filling in the New Brake Fluid, Testing & Done!
Probably the First DUkE 200 ABS in India!
Thread Starter #119


Honoured Member
Sep 11, 2009
It's been a loong time last time I checked your posts. Man that's a lot of trouble you have been through. Yours is the only detailed ownership thread I have read.
Why not a upgrade?

Trouble was more because of the service center, which we switched to local mechanic. So far so good. Quality versus mechanic incompetence factor for all troubles can be rated a 1:9.

This is the max we can afford. After spending 2 L and disposing off early does not make sense for us. Actually, never ever sold any, it's hard for us.

R3 was tempting, but unaffordable right now, service is cheap, but can't bear the initial cost. At one point, was thinking of disposing and getting an FZ25 or a used N300 (service costs gave heart attack [cry]).

At the moment, bike is running fine, way smoother than how it was when serviced by KTM authorized (Deedi).

Last time I asked about the ABS installation on a DUkE 200 2016 & buddy it is successful after spending 18k & 2k for the Technician.
(8K deduction included for the DUkE 200s wiring & instrument cluster)

ABS control Modulator ,390 wiring, Brake lines & Magnetic sensor wires costed 18k. sourced from a Guy who deals with KTM parts which he claims he got from a group of engg students from Cummins Clg, Pune.
Salvaged parts are brand new & the donor bike had done mere 1000kms.
Reason I got them for cheap -There is not a single case when the Bosch ABS modulator failed or has caused a problem so he had hard time finding a buyer for it.

Rest all the small stuff Metal ABS sensor rings,ABS ECU(Yes there's a separate control unit called integral unit made by bajaj costing-1118/- located on left side of Tank) 10mm bolts,ABS module installation Bracket,ABS instrument cluster,clamps & stuff costed 8081/-.
Installation was pretty straight forward swapping the new wiring,fitting the ABS unit. Filling in the New Brake Fluid, Testing & Done!
Probably the First DUkE 200 ABS in India!
That's great [clap]
Thread Starter #120


Honoured Member
Sep 11, 2009
Experiment with fuel lid continues.
Brushed aluminium finish this time.
Sanded uniformly in one direction. Applied clear coat.

2017-12-04 15-53-44.jpg
2017-12-04 22-40-09.jpg

Santa comes home.

2017-12-07 23-08-34.jpg

2017-12-22 09-23-47.JPG

Batman Jr.

2017-12-31 22-41-45.jpg

After messing with ASC, decided to go DIY way.

Motul 7100 10W50

2018-01-07 15-50-27.JPG

Had a liter already, bought before for top up, but never used. MRP was ₹ 855.00 and paid ₹ 850.00. That was from regular neighborhood shop. Bought a second liter from Ex-Jawan Margin Free Lube Shop. MRP was ₹ 825.00, his selling price was ₹ 795.00, gave it for ₹ 700.00.

2018-01-07 15-49-19.JPG

Oil Filter - JG571014 - ₹ 74.00

2018-01-07 15-51-42.JPG

Oil Filter O-Ring - JG571016 - ₹ 6.00

2018-01-07 15-52-09.JPG

Got parts from service center. Parts are same in 200 NS/AS, Dominar and whole Duke/RC range.
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