I totally agree to what Akash1886 said about you on your style of "Unkeel" (Uncle).
Man! Had I taken this seriously! ![Laugh [lol] [lol]](https://www.theautomotiveindia.com/forums/images/smilies/Laugh.gif)
So, first of all, this is India. And readers please remember this before pouncing on me! ![Smile [:)] [:)]](https://www.theautomotiveindia.com/forums/images/smilies/Smile.gif)
I agree that I was dealing with the crowd with the vehicles in the middle of the road. There was one empty lane on the left and those who wanted to go would have easily left the scene (i.e. the public/crowd). And, people (including auto-wallahs, bikers and car-drivers also) literally blocked the empty lane by slowing down to take a look and give some s#!t comments. And had I tried to go towards the car, they would have died shouting that I was trying to flee. And in presence of the police, both the parties would reach an agreement and will have to pay chai-paani to the cops. And, I know that there is no role of the public in all this but do you yourself think that public has that much common sense? I have seen some extreme cases of public's reaction in my city (Read: Toppling the car over after some argument with someone) and I try to show my best behaviour to them always. I don't know how much of these conditions would be valid in your city but in Faridabad, this is the TRUE scene.
Thanks for your clarification on the rear-ending rule.
I totally agree to what Akash1886 said about you on your style of "Unkeel" (Uncle).
NOTE: This is my post no. four thousand four hundred and forty four, hence its long and strong; read at your own risk. Feel free to praise I accept it delightfully!
![Laugh [lol] [lol]](https://www.theautomotiveindia.com/forums/images/smilies/Laugh.gif)
Saarji, next time when you face such an incident, politely ask the lady/person whoever banged your car from back to remove his/her vehicle to left side of the road and free the traffic (this reduces the crowd). Once both the vehicles are on the left side, get in your car; start the engine and A/C and sit comfortably inside asking them to call for the police.
First of all, no one wants to call the police (be it a man or woman) and secondly even if they call, then in the presence of police both the parties have to either reach a fair compromise or end up paying something.
In case an FIR is filed, no issue; because the vehicle hitting from back is always at fault, no matter if you braked hard or what. Why so? Because as per some idiotic act in our road traffic rules, there is a leaflet saying that one needs to maintain a safe distance of at least 30 feet while following the vehicle moving in front.
Whenever I face such situations, I am always more than happy to visit the police station or deal with cops instead of dealing with every tom, dick (I mean it) and harry moving on the road. It's my vehicle, my money and our (both the concerned parties) decision; who is the public?
First of all, no one wants to call the police (be it a man or woman) and secondly even if they call, then in the presence of police both the parties have to either reach a fair compromise or end up paying something.
In case an FIR is filed, no issue; because the vehicle hitting from back is always at fault, no matter if you braked hard or what. Why so? Because as per some idiotic act in our road traffic rules, there is a leaflet saying that one needs to maintain a safe distance of at least 30 feet while following the vehicle moving in front.
Whenever I face such situations, I am always more than happy to visit the police station or deal with cops instead of dealing with every tom, dick (I mean it) and harry moving on the road. It's my vehicle, my money and our (both the concerned parties) decision; who is the public?
![Smile [:)] [:)]](https://www.theautomotiveindia.com/forums/images/smilies/Smile.gif)
I agree that I was dealing with the crowd with the vehicles in the middle of the road. There was one empty lane on the left and those who wanted to go would have easily left the scene (i.e. the public/crowd). And, people (including auto-wallahs, bikers and car-drivers also) literally blocked the empty lane by slowing down to take a look and give some s#!t comments. And had I tried to go towards the car, they would have died shouting that I was trying to flee. And in presence of the police, both the parties would reach an agreement and will have to pay chai-paani to the cops. And, I know that there is no role of the public in all this but do you yourself think that public has that much common sense? I have seen some extreme cases of public's reaction in my city (Read: Toppling the car over after some argument with someone) and I try to show my best behaviour to them always. I don't know how much of these conditions would be valid in your city but in Faridabad, this is the TRUE scene.
Thanks for your clarification on the rear-ending rule.