I have removed the Infotainment battery fuse, marked as Audio Batt, after removign that the sound has gone. Looks like some issue with the infotainment unit.
Not sure if it can be repaired or not. even if I get it repaired how long it will stay good thats a big question.
Any idea how much does it cost to replace the audio unit? and if I will get all the functionalities like TPMS and DTE and avg indicator in aftermarkte units.
Not sure if it can be repaired or not. even if I get it repaired how long it will stay good thats a big question.
Any idea how much does it cost to replace the audio unit? and if I will get all the functionalities like TPMS and DTE and avg indicator in aftermarkte units.
Or might be a non-issue like loose connector.But get it out first.To check.
and the 700 is like one big infotainment unit.