Images of an Ola S1 Pro by the side of the road with a broken front suspension have been going viral on the internet. The single front fork has given out completely, and the front apron seems to have been damaged too as a consequence. It doesn’t seem like the rider or anyone else was harmed during the incident, but we cannot confirm at the moment.
The actual reason behind this glitch is yet to reveal. However, there are two possibilities surrounding this event. While some are saying that the scooter faced a head-on collision with a rock, which led to the frontal part being damaged completely, another reason states that the frontal part of the scooter broke on its own while the owner of the scooter was riding it in a busy road. Both Ola Electric and the scooter owner are yet to give their official statements regarding this incident.
While the frontal part of the scooter looks badly damaged, it is nothing beyond repair and needs just a significant repairing job. However, if the scooter breaking out on its own is the actual reason, it will raise many questions about the S1 Pro, which is already plagued with several build quality and technical issues.