New Tata Indica Vista v/s New Maruti Swift

Which Hatchback?

  • Tata Indica Vista

    Votes: 35 50.7%
  • Maruti Suzuki Swift

    Votes: 35 50.7%

  • Total voters
Jan 27, 2011
Re: Tata Indica Vista v/s New Maruti Swift

@power packed,
look at the resale of swift D.You will know what I am talking about.Agree vista has good resale as pointed out by jayadev.In swift you get maruti ass too and it is plenty in number.I think kannur has only one tata service station,maruti hmm 1 no 2 no 3 no 4!,jayadev As far as you know,how much maruti service stations are there in kannur.
Thread Starter #32
Nov 1, 2010
Re: Tata Indica Vista v/s New Maruti Swift

I think kannur has only one tata service station,maruti hmm 1 no 2 no 3 no 4!,jayadev As far as you know,how much maruti service stations are there in kannur.
Ha ha, plenty i think ..popular,indus,har etc.
Yet people mention very unpleasant experiences from them. I think that is why tata is also doing good numbers in Kannur. Two of guys in tata showroom came from popular maruthi . ofcourse tata also has serious problems because most of the technician in kvr kannur are guys who jumped from either maruthi or hyundai dealers. They tell lot of stories.

I think it would be unfair to be biased towards tata or maruthi as it would be cheating the guys who are reading this. Let not the fanboy inside you cover relevant facts.

If i am asked to chose either of two ,hope you guys knows what my answer would be. i rejected swift at showroom itself then i opted for indica vista just used it for 1 year for the sake of parents.
then I shifted to something far ahead and better. :-)

swift is (was) as good as upto where driver consumes the space in cabin . for remaining folks it was just dabba gaadi. Good for single commuters who goes alone driving like office,buziness trips.

vista is not at all good for driver may it bee steering feedback steering accuracy or body control. but very Good for low speed (<100) convenient conveyance medium especially for family folks and elders.
Jun 22, 2011
Re: Tata Indica Vista v/s New Maruti Swift

I am searching a reasonable answer to pay 50k more for same segment car.
And I still wonder why people here paying more to Japanese cars and getting themselves satisfied for the things which have never got the definite unit of measure.

Does Swift buyers have extra unused money?
Feb 11, 2011
Re: Tata Indica Vista v/s New Maruti Swift

I am searching a reasonable answer to pay 50k more for same segment car.
And I still wonder why people here paying more to Japanese cars and getting themselves satisfied for the things which have never got the definite unit of measure.

Does Swift buyers have extra unused money?
[:D] +1. I totally agree with you powerpacked. I wonder the same when people prefer Hyundai cars with similar or less features but pay much more. [confused]
Aug 2, 2011
Re: Tata Indica Vista v/s New Maruti Swift

I am searching a reasonable answer to pay 50k more for same segment car.
And I still wonder why people here paying more to Japanese cars and getting themselves satisfied for the things which have never got the definite unit of measure.
Spot on.Agree.
Vista lags only because its 'TATA', and so many myths about ass (better/worst/bad/good)

Modes: Please change Title to New Tata Indica Vista v/s New Maruti Swift
as Vista facelift is here
Thread Starter #36
Nov 1, 2010
Vista lags only because its 'TATA', and so many myths about ass (better/worst/bad/good)
Vista lags not only because of Tata but because Maruthi is perceived so good and as a benchmark.
I have friends who laughed at me when I bought vista and dint even cared to ask how it is because they Owned swift/ritz ,fekt superior and they knew tata product would be like a truck .
But they sweared when they checked into vista which had better NVH and comfort than their much loved swift.

OT:-I thought the poll result would remain zero or 1 percent but i am surprised to see it stands at 36 percent 3:2. vista sells at somewhere around 2000nos where as swift sells at 12000nos making a ratio of 1:6. Hmmm.
Jan 27, 2011
Jayadev as you have seen both the new swift and new vista,which interior you prefer.
swift is (was) as good as upto where driver consumes the space in cabin . for remaining folks it was just dabba gaadi. Good for single commuters who goes alone driving like office,buziness trips.
Agree ,But the front passenger seat is not that bad. Rear seats yes, my mother too agrees on its not comfortable. When we had our ikon for almost 8 years we used to visit so many place, has very good rear seat, my dad always praises it engine (1.6). It was helluva car, an alrounder I must say. But pathetic fe and high maintainace was a downside but qualty of the car made us to keep it 8 years. I some times feel we downgraded from ikon to swift. Swift I Have never gone beyondd calicut (2 years), but brother went wayand along with my dad (me ,my other and sis ta home). My mother refuses to go for long trips with one of the reason as swift. Before buying the swift, when my mother checked its rear seat,shelt uncomfortable,but the high fe,maruti brand,poeple praise,stunnig multijet engine,driver oriented nature made us to buy and my mother has no regrets. She loves driving the swift though.
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Thread Starter #38
Nov 1, 2010
Jayadev as you have seen both the new swift and new vista,which interior you prefer.
No doubt swift. interiors of Vista is too basic and with crude looks.

But just for a driving person such a huge machine doesn't make great sense to me. that is the point.
Considering the fe with four people onboard FE of swift drops considerably much more than what one expects where vista gives near consistent FE that is why taxi owners always preferred indica or vista .
That is why rarely anybody prefers to go long drives in swift.moreover it is too flimsy for long term ownership within two years of running its face changes.
As i said swift is totally urban car for single commuters.
Anyday if i had a chance i would (if not punto) go for fabia or Polo but not swift or ritz.

These are all the reason why i dropped swift on very first instance. even though i had to answer so many of my friends becuase i was fan of swift and went to showroom with pocket full of money and surprise my friends with first Swift among us.

maruti brand,poeple praise
these two are mostly hearse ,out of ignorance of Indian mob.i havent personally met a single maruthi owner(M800 and M alto excluded) who will authentically say maruthi is a great brand high above any other,heavenly.
Everybody has there own views with pinch of salt few express it openly.

If you are pointing towards resale value then it is just out of popularity.
Earlier it used to be ambassador diesal cars which had highest resale value,even today amby has its own charm of owning and getting it repaired anywhere but it has its own downside too, ask any Amby taxi owner he would say that is the best car to own.

I personally very much like the looks of Indica V2dls and its build.
It looks cute and nice on road. but how many among us will vouch for it against boring looking alto or a-star.
Jan 27, 2011
My dad's friend who bought tata indigo sold after few months or a year(I dont remember),the reason was he developed a lot of body pain.He bought wagon r and is in love with it.
Few days back when one of our friend drove safari,he too developed a lot of pain.My cousin ad his dad felt a lot of pain when they drove india vista qjd taken on rent (they drive santro and sometimes innova).This cousin told one of his relative who took nano on rent too felt a lot pain.After these incidents my other asked why cant tata make an effortless and fatigue free cars(she actual told sophisticated).
I dont think popularity increases resale.Ford fiesta D had pretty good resale where as ikon had poor resale.Maruti a star too has i think a little poor resale compared to its sister cars.
Thread Starter #40
Nov 1, 2010
I have been driving Ford ranger,dakota ,toyota hylux since last 4 years. they do not give any issues or pain.
But when i drive punto after 3 or 4 months gap I have pain in my right ankles ,left arm and wrist which fades off gradually within 2 days.
still i love punto not because i am a masochist .

The fun ,involvement and thrill i get in punto is something which does not come in above mentioned heavy big cars while you drive.

They can be driven by ladies,and kids . my boss's 12 year old kid drives dakota 4.7l V8 (302-bhp) in weekends ,it so easy and comfortable you just need a finger and one foot.
It was so good driving old toyota LC but new one just felt like robot.

that said have you driven any of the true offroaders, you may be bedridden if you are not tough enough. I have tried a customized military one. ohh god it was scary.i had to stand on accelerated to make it move trule built to last for 2 century.!!

nano is manual steering it may probably give bit of pain initially.
Indica vista had well wieghted steering i too experienced pain initially but after when I changed seating position it was fine.
tata manza is so easy to drive there is no feel at all in steering.

Comfort levels can be increased with over assisted hydraulics or electric motors but they steal true spirit of driving giving a dead feeling.

some things like you can go over mount Everest in helicopter too but look so many people are trying and dying trekking.

I think older tata cars had lot of issues. even Indica vista tdi is problematic. But qaudrajet and later is very good one i suppose.
One of our member cooldhaya has a Tata aria let us see what he would say about inconvenience in his ride.
Dhaya are you reading?

I dont think popularity increases resale
that is very strange statement.
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Jan 27, 2011
Hyundai makes cars with lifeless(thats the word to describe it I think) eps now a days.Its a hit in market isn't.
From another forum who had honda city i think,bought BMW X1.He developed pain in driving the X1,due to its heavy steering.BMW is known for their driver oriented nature.
I have seen a person who said hyundai cars so easy drive.My mother heard a lot of poeple saying the honda city is so easy to drive,very comfortable.
I think older indica has reliability issues too.
I think Fiat cars bring some enthusiasm in us.I have mentioned a person who developed pain driving safari,the same person was in love with linea(1.4 NA) he some times get to drive(my relative's).

Popularity do increase resale.Agree.I think sales of a car too affects the resale.I am agreeing because when were buying our beat people said figo had better resale.Isn't the diesel one thats hot selling in figo.,(I am not that sure on this fact)
OT:I feel so much comfortable expressing my view with jayadev whom i feel have similar opinion like mine.You make my day sometimes.[:D]
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Jan 27, 2011
What i meant(maruti brand,people praise) is that,its service,reliabilty,cheap spares.As you have said popularity increases resale.People's praise do effect you buying process.Now my uncle is going to buy new car,he considered punto 90 hp(now reached fluidic verna though,almost decided on it),my grand father asked a person who owns a used car dealer,who used to buy our cars,he said punto has pathetic GC,peole kept their puntos in their home due to this pathetic GC.After this they completely took of punto from the list,mor over they have seen my relatives linea with poor GC(161mm).(Punto MJD has a GC of 171mm, i thin old swift is 168mm,new swift is 170mm).I didn't further explain,or comment.After this my grand pa asks me,is punto a bad car?I didn't comment.I am known for my fiat fan boy ism (especially punto) in my home.
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Thread Starter #43
Nov 1, 2010
People spread lot of wrong info .
It is part and parcel business.
They inject wrong concepts and ideologies into society which is root of make it or break it situation for any product.
Fiat has the most lethargic and lousy marketing team in auto industry.

people refrain to buy Gp because of its GC but go for VW polo which has serious GC issue at front as well as back scrapes in Polo . I have seen it with my own eyes at railway crossing.

fortunate ones are those who have got a good product worth their mental as well as physical needs.
Oct 23, 2009
@ Jayadev Thanks for remembering me!

@ Pointcity No buddy i would never agree Safari seats were uncomfortable and causes pain! I drove from Kottayam to Chennai on one single day , entire distance driven by me and i never felt any other extra pain other than normal fatigue which i believe will happen even if one drives an S-class or a 7-series for a long distance. I have done several other long trips too and i never felt any pain as such. Even Aria offers better comfort and i have no complains when it comes to comfort.

Regarding GC my college has a very big speed breaker at the enterance where cars like City , Civic , Polo , Fabia , Vento scrape the bottom with full load. My friend's i20 and my Verna never scraped the bottom even once nor have i seen any Punto till now scrapping the bottom.
Jan 27, 2011
he said he developed pain due to the steering also I think,he said that the car will not turn properly(i think large turning radius).I think this safari may be poorly maintained.Thanks for correcting!

Regarding GC,you didn't get what i was saying.Read my post again.
My uncle now drives a i20 AT.It has got some scratches under the bumper.I mentioned that the best seller swift(old one) had poorer GC in terms number when compared to Punto(I think so) and yes our swift too has scraped its bottom.Kerala roads especially during monsoons is filled with pot holes(ask Jayadev) and recently in news that due to these pot holes there were accidents.

OT:I think we need to start a new thread with all *premium* hatches competing,the battle of premium hatchbacks.
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