Thanks ilango. Do correct me here -- I was planning to spray paint the upper part of dash ONLY by applying tapes around so that the spray doesn't spoil another part of car. And it will be done within minutes.
So my job also gets done and it will be hassle free. Also if this sounds practical then suggest me a color
Yeah , you can very well tape and paint , But it will be good to remove dash board and paint. As there may be lot of overspary all around the car and you need to do a perfect interior cleaning.
Also interior painting is not the same as exterior painting. You need to keep the original surface as such . - its totally a different process.
You need different base and gun handling procedure.
Get in touch with a modifier around you.
Else if normal painter without interior paint experience , does them , the colour will become thick - looses your original dashboard pattern - and peel off in due coarse of time.
Black is readily available colour.
red / grey / dark blue .. have matching seat cover for red and blue!