In order to do patrolling in small lanes and chasing criminals, the Mumbai Police might procure Tata Nano car. The police are doing a trial of the vehicle and are looking to the possibility of making it a part of the city police.
According to the police sources, company officials had visited the office of Mumbai Police Commissioner on Monday and had proposed them usage of Nano car, after which the police had kept one car within the commissioner office to examine its efficiency.
“We use motorcycles to do patrolling in narrow lanes in the city. However, Nano car has more than one advantage, while it takes less parking space as compared to other Sedan cars, it can replace bikes as far as doing night patrolling is concerned and weapons can also be stored in the duct of the car,” said a senior police officers,
He added that, the police have kept one Nano car within the city police headquarters for a day and are still examining whether it can be used by the force. “Nothing has been finalised yet on the procurement of Nano car by the police,” said the officer.