Time for an update !
The coolant issue I had mentioned earlier is still bugging me ! So I dropped the Car at TASS on last Monday and asked them to get it sorted out ! The service advisor who attended me last time ran away on seeing me
. Last time they has checked everything , changed the oil, Coolant and after 2500 kms of pure city driving I have the coolant level at the Min mark in the overflow tank . The technicians there had filled upto brim and marked the level using an Yellow chalk , asking me to bring the car when the level drops below that .
with just 200 kms on the odo post service , the coolant level dropped down. I rang up the SA and told him that its dropping below your mark .
He was like please bring it if it drops below the max mark in the over flow tank . I knew that in another 1300-1500 kms it would drop and it did drop . This was damn annoying
. So I called him up again and told the story . Now this time that genius wants me to run till it drops down to min level . I got the picture that he was trying to dodge me . So I ran another 1000 kms and it had dropped down to min mark . Now this time when I rang him up , he said "Sir this is normal sir , all nano's have this problem "
. I got mad and told him " I'm bringing the car and you are fixing it ! coolant refill fill for every 1000 kms is not normal .
At the service station , the advisor ran and hid on seeing my car. A new service advisor took up the case and promised to investigate even without letting me complete what my concerns were . They again checked for physical external leaks and were not able to find any . " SAAAAARRRR this is normal sir in nano . it gets evaporated due to engine heat " unable to argue more with these nut heads I took the car back after A/C gas top up and waterwash which done to my satisfaction .
Later the next day I triggered a mail to the customer care explaining them briefly about all the issues and the TASS story. which resulted in a verbal duel between me and the SA " SIR your car has no problem, how can I fix something that is not broken " , " why did u drop a mail now sir ? We explained to you clearly that the problem is common . infact this is not a problem at all ". These Tass are such a pain to deal with . The next day the customer support manager rang me up and promised to follow it up so . So today again they took the car back and its kept under observation . Hope that they manage to identify the problem .