My license has been seized by Gurgaon police but got only Challan copy. Not sure if I can drive with this Challan.
The date on challan is written for 3 months after. Although its not written anywhere that license is suspended and I have not received any separate ticket regarding the same.
Has anyone an idea whether I can drive with challan copy or not? And can I pay challan before 3 months or its to be compounded after 3 months only?
For what reason they caught you?
Usually such challan slips contain all the information like your vehicle reg. number, pollution certificate no. and insurance no. Read the slip carefully and chances are that there might be some information about the Court room No., Name of the judge you are going to face and name of Documents police took from you which is only DL in your case.
After 3 months, on the given date, you have to present your self in given court to judge. They will give you some punishment and fine and you have to reply if you are accepting your crime and ready to pay the fine or punishment OR you are not guilty and wants to contest the case. No need to heir any any lawyer. It will be better if you explain your challan details so that we can explain you some situations.
IF it is a court challan then you can drive the vehicle and if asked, you can show them the challan ticket or its copy as you have not accepted you crime.