There are basically two departments on a merchant ship.
Deck department and Engine department.
Deck department looks after navigation, berthing/ unberthing of ship, loading/ unloading of cargo,etc. It consisits of Captain-Chief Officer-2nd Officer-3rd Officer- Deck Cadet- Able Bodied Seamen- Ordinary Seamen.
While engine department ensures all the machineries are running properly. The engine is available at all times, power is available at all times.
Engine department consists of Chief Engineer-2nd Engineer-3rd Engineer- 4th Engineer- Junior Engineer- Fitter- Motormen- Wiper.
Also there is a catering department, headed by Chief Cook, along with a 2nd cook.
Sailing through piracy area is very risky. But being careful, we can be safe. The ship maintains proper lookout while passing through piracy risk areas. We are always in touch with the related authorities. Ship is run at higher speeds. And some of the ships also take assistance of private guard services. Ships like bulk carriers and and tankers are at high risk, as they move slow and are easier to board for pirates. Container ships are relatively faster and difficult to board. Luckily I haven't faced any piracy incident. But I know few people who have been hijacked. And the situation gets very serious. We're at mercy of some crazy, trigger happy youngsters. You can be out safely in 3-4 mnths, if you're lucky. Its a very high level organised crime.
I have been fortunate to sail on well maintained ships. Never had any ship wreck experience. I have faced some extremely heavy weather conditions, but have been out safely.