Re: More Bells & Whistles in New Fiat Punto 90HP “Sports”
My few cents on 90 hp punto sports 2012. Read the entire stuff in two parts before your views.
Part I --
Took a really long TD of more than 100 kms today, highway and city mixed.
1. The SE comes to my home from Fiat showroom which is roughly 7 kms.
I see the car from exterior, looks good to me
2. He is clueless and tells me, Amit you wont like this car. 2011 90 hp was better. I am
3. I start the car. First gear is ok, second is ok. I slot in third gear and car refuses to pull. People honking crazily from behind. Seemed like somebody has attached a heavy lorry from behind to this car. I slot back in second gear push the RPM to above 2000, then it flies like rocket. I am
4. The SE was correct. but what the heck. This is not Punto, maybe I am driving a heavy lorry. Maybe I am having a bad dream.
5. I take it to highway, again it refuses to climb the hill. Again slotted in second gear, increasing the RPM to above 2000, it goes like Punto.
6. At speed above 80, I hear wind noise. Well and I can sense it's going at 90. Well where is that speed masking capability of Punto gone? Has the increase in GC done something wrong?
7. I hear a faint rattle from front LHS. I look as SE and he is dumb struck. Sir, something wrong with new punto 90hp sports??? I say something wrong with this car maybe? OR Fiat has messed with this car this time by making it sporty in reverse sense.
We call fiat and they ask the SE to get the car ASAP. I give them this feedback and they take it very seriously.
Net net the initial observations were,
1. Loss of power. Heavy turbo lag
2. Wind noise at high speed. This was absent in 2011 90hp model
3. Speed masking gone?? What did fiat do here?
4. Huge gap between front LHS door and fender.
5. AC pathetic even below par than my i10, and I thought i10's AC was worst.
Part II --
I get a call from same SE,
1. Turbo pipe of this car had broken. Hush, had already rubbed 90hp sports off my list.
So the problem is with this car in particular. Wake up Fiat, where is your QC?
2. Tomorrow they will check the AC, speed masking, gaps and wind noise. Then they will send the same car to me.
Will keep you guys posted. See the last picture, there is more gap in door and fender. Price quoted was 8.55 lacs OTR in Pune.
Here are some pictures that I took.