Awesome car man! The pictures are really nice. I am sure, every one in your family will enjoy its smooth ride! Interior finish, as expected, is excellent compared to some of the rivals.
Thanks Shynish! Yesh, tge ride is quite enjoyable. And yes, interiors are great too.
Nice car there arkin.Boston comps is a good choice.
![Smile [:)] [:)]](
I wanted to in for JBL Amps (I don't know about component brands), but Satya at EVO told me he would fit Boston Amps which are way better than JBL
OMG! You are roaming without a registration number. Good keep it up.
Well, we have got only a temp. KA registration, and will get an AP registration ASAP.
awesome. the colour looks great, the comp mountings looks nice.
i just feel the spoiler should have been without the LED brake lights. Also, an amp is needed for the boston comps.
Thanks. The Amp. might be added later. Yeah, now we have 2 brake lights, not one! I'll get the OE one disconnected later.
ilango[speed thirst];46712 said:
I think the car is gonna be used by his grand dad , so I assume they may not keep high volume and not much intrested in perfect clarity! so i hope the present set up is fine without a amp! !
Later on when you grow up to drive , get one as raj says!! till then keep busy through the windows!!

Yes, Ilango, you're right. Though the car is presently at my disposal, even if I turn up the volume, my grandad gets irritated.
Hey Arkin, your i10 is looking cool with those tints. Btw how did the accident happen? I hope the damage is minimal.
We had not one but 2 accidents
![Frustration [frustration] [frustration]](
The first one was partly my dad's fault. He took a wrong turn, as he got confused while following the GPS instructions. He then got puzzled, and slowed down. An OHC at high speed, over took us, and brushed our front corner end.
The result:
The 2nd accident, in Anantapur:
We were turning into our street from a "main" street which has makeshift road blockers. MY dad had switched on the indicator over 1/2 a minute before turning. Then these rascals on some neolithic bike come out of no where to our left, and "ram" into the door, shortly after braking. We weren't able to put down our windows, as the car had been tinted yesterday. Before we realize what these bumpkins are up to, they lift their bike and zoomed off. Had they tried a few seconds later, I would've got out and stopped them, and get the police to do their job. The L-R door got a dent around 1" long. We will have to shell out for both the repairs as I don't want to lose our NCB. This is the problem in this great place "Anantapur"
People on mobikes and driving these hilarious "Share" autos. Zoom out from anywhere, and the people like us, who follow the rules are at the recieving end.
Sorry if this respresentation of what happened is a bit, er, unprofessional, my regular Win 7 notebook is infected with Virus.
The result: