Update: Car sold
Car covered 8000 km in past 9 months (odo reading: 76k km) without even a single breakdown (touch-wood) All that we spend on the car is for fuel and 3~4 perfumes + a general service.
After my marriage this car is hardly used for 150km (in past 2 months)
Last night one of my friend called me to enquire about this particular car, am I willing to sell it. He is in urgent need of a budget car (again for the same reason, he is getting married in another 2 months)
Initially i thought not to sell it, since my wify want to learn driving. But I couldn't say "NO" to my friend, finally agreed to sell. He is already familiar with this car during my marriage. No negotiations, no TD, nothing.
He asked me what price am I expecting, I said 62k. Without a second thought he said "OK"
Luckily I haven't transferred the car to my name, it is still in the name of 1st owner. Just a hour before he paid the amount to my dad and driven her home.
Byebye 800.
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