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Lane Driving Concept: An Important Practice.
We all travel and drive on roads on a daily basis and encounter the traffic also. Now, how is traffic caused on roads is no rocket science, but there is a simple norm to be followed while being stuck up in traffic and even in normal circumstance driving i.e Sticking on to your lane. If the drivers just follow this simple practice of driving in a particular lane without doing any zig-zag then believe me half the battle is won there itself.
The growth of traffic is uncontrollable even in the city with best of infrastructure but what is to be remembered is that the infrastructure will not be of use if one doesn't know about a simple thing like lane driving. Lane driving is like one of the most important pre-requisite of safe driving and one of the most significant characteristic of a good driver. So, growth of traffic is not in our hands but we can ensure its smooth movement at all times.
We all know that the practice of lane driving is beneficial in general but honestly there are really very few of us who always keep to our lanes in reality. Even the best of the driver’s does take chances and changes the lane frequently at times but that is not good in my opinion. Frequent lane changing by any driver whether in traffic jam or in normal conditions leads to discomfort for other fellow motorists. I have myself witnessed a number of times that majority of motorists do not pay much attention and change the driving lane at their own sweet will. This is by-far the most inconsiderate behavior by any civilized driver.
Let me also bring to light another important scenario where lane driving is of utmost importance; when there is a construction going on the roads for metro rail, fly over, under-pass or as simple as road re-layering. When such type of constructions begin on roads, then the authorities in most circumstances make a service lane or increase the road width if possible but still the smooth flow of traffic is not there due to space constrain. Now, when we encounter such type of construction, sensibly we should follow driving in one lane but in reality what is seen is that at the slightest of the opportunity a vehicle begins to overtake either from left or right where ever even an inch of space is available thinking that by going ahead an inch it can climb Mount Everest. As a responsible citizen and a good driver we know how to be safe on roads by following the but-obvious traffic rules but by just following traffic rules one can’t be claimed as a good driver, there are many other important practices like this lane driving that also need to be followed at all times which complete a good driver.
A major cause of unwanted mishaps on roads is the frequent changing of lanes and mostly it is done without any proper indication. If at all times we simply stick to our lane, none of this untoward happening shall take place. Lane driving should never be seen as a forceful or circumstantial measure rather it should be treated as one’s moral duty towards other motorists on roads.
Below are some humble suggestions for effective lane driving that shall help in safe driving and smooth driving;
• In India the right-most lane is that of over-taking so never occupy that lane for driving at slow speeds. Keep it available for other vehicles to overtake.
• Never drive at slow speeds in the middle lane intentionally. Maintain the prescribed speed limit at all times. This ensures that all cars are driven smoothly and traffic is regulated.
• If you need to take a turn to left or right, then choose the correct lane before-hand instead of hampering the traffic flow at the last moment.
• Never drive while using a mobile phone in any lane. I have seen many drivers doing this on roads. This is highly irrational. Such drivers are more engaged in call rather than driving. Such cars are driven at really low speeds purposely.
• Always change the lane by giving proper indication as it helps the traffic behind to slow down and pass from other side and while doing so do keep an eye on the ORVMs.
• Never over-speed in any lane and do maintain braking distance at all times.
• While driving on the one-way road, keep to the left, let the on-coming traffic pass from right.
• Never drive on wrong side of the road as it’s not only illegal but a big put-off for all motorists.
• Do respect diversion signs if road is under repair/construction and be alert to choose the right lane accordingly so that the flow of traffic remain un-interrupted.
• If any vehicle breaks-down then do help the driver and push the vehicle on road’s corner. This shall help in smooth flow of traffic as an un-attended broken-down vehicle disrupts the traffic and often occupies the right most lane which is meant for overtaking. However, if a public transport vehicle break's down, then better is to choose the next correct lane at the earliest instead of making an attempt to do so after reaching close enough.
• Lastly, Do understand the relevance of every lane on the road. Every lane is there for a purpose.
So friends, I hope the above points would be worth considering in the interest of safe driving and benefit of all the motorists out there. In the end, I just would say a common thing, Lane driving is safest driving.
Always be Alert!