The bike finally seems to have reached its limit tolerating my delay for the front calliper overhaul which was due for a very very long time. It was time for my periodic 500 kms check up of the bike. Topped up the coolant and engine oil. Since it was more than 2k kms since my brake pad change, I decided to clean it. While cleaning the front pads, I pushed the pistons. But the piston on the top of both the sides didn't budge at all. Thought to be an air lock, so bleeded the brakes, topped the fluid and checked again, the pistons were still jammed. So decided to finally get the calliper overhauled in the showroom. Tried riding the bike, but it was struggling. Meanwhile since I don't remember bleeding the rear brakes, took the opportunity to bleed them. The estimate is around 2500 including the master cylinder replacement if necessary.
Rear Brake Pads - Sanded and good to go
Old contaminated and dusty brake fluid
Coolant Topped Up
Front Brake Pads - Sanded. Need to check if any damages from the short ride. The calliper was very very hot from the short test ride.