Keeping Your Car Parked Safely For Long Duration

Apr 17, 2011
Re: Precautions to Take While Leaving the Car Parked for Long

Source Leaving a car unused for a while | AA

While all the line items are not applicable to us but pointing out a few from the website (ofcourse some of them are repeition to what other members have already said about)

On-board computers can be affected by long term disconnection of the battery – check the handbook or contact the manufacturer.
Don't let plastic covers rest on the paintwork. Flapping covers can damage paintwork.
Make a note of what you've done to the vehicle and put it in the car as a reminder when you need to use the car again.
Leave windows partially open for ventilation – but only if the car's is in a secure garage
Lift wiper arms so that the blades are clear of the glass

There is also some interesting points when you come back and start the car

Starting a car left unused for a long time

The work required to start a car that's not been used for a long time will depend to some extent on how well the car was prepared before being put into 'storage'.
  • Check tyre pressures
  • Check that nothing's nesting under the bonnet or has chewed through the pipes/hoses
  • Re-tighten any drive belts loosened when the car was put away
  • Check all fluid levels before starting – change the oil once the car's running
  • Stale fuel could be a problem – hopefully there's not too much in the tank so that fresh fuel can be added and can get through to the engine
  • Taking the plugs out first and turning the engine over is a good idea as this will reduce the load on the engine whilst the oil is redistributed
  • Check brake operation including the handbrake – the brakes will probably be seized on if the car's been left with the handbrake applied. Try engaging a gear and driving gently, otherwise dismantling may be necessary
Dec 31, 2011
Damn, I missed reading this before I left my car for three months without using.
1. I engaged handbrake, but I don't feel any difference.
2. I forgot to disconnect my battery, guess what it drained completely. I did a jumpstart and ran the vehicle for an hour, hoping it should be good. I parked the vehicle infront of a shop and when I came back it didn't start!!! Bad luck! I changed a new battery -Exide for 7k. The battery replacement guys said company provided batteries don't survive longer than 2yrs? Is it true. My car is 2010 Hyundai Accent!
3. I covered my car. Its clean and no rat problems too! Lucky I'm in this case.
May 20, 2012
Yamuna Nagar
Should I sell my car or keep it in unused for 2 years?

I have an i10 magna(2008 model) rarely used just done 10ks till now, so practically is brand new. Now here is the problem.

I'm entering a program where I will be housed, fed, transported, etc for two years. I love my car dearly but will have to do something with it during that time. Can you walk me through the pros and cons and likelihoods of success for my options?

1.Keeping it in a warm garage where some kind person will periodically start it or drive it around a little, and not paying insurance on it, would be ideal. Is there such a thing?

2. Put the word out offering some trustworthy person the use of my car, for a fee, for the two years. Insurance presumably still paid by me. Is that even allowed?

3. Sell it. I would get little money. I'd really hate to do this coz resale wont be much, it being a petrol car & 2008 model. also I havent used it much and it can last a lot. Keeping it would be the best way to get value from it. Also, it's an amazing vehicle and I don't think I would be as happy with another one that I could get for my budget.

Also apart from the battery, what parts should i care about if i leave the car unused.. And do disconnecting the batteries be of any help in saving them?

Any other suggestions?
Feb 2, 2012
Re: Should I sell my car or keep it in unused for 2 years?

I would say first try selling it and if you can get a good price for the car, since it has only 10Ks on it. And in case you don't get a price upto your expectations then keep it and option 1. from your list would be the best option.

I won't do the 2nd option as you wouldn't know the driving style of the person who will be driving your car. So you never know how will he maintain your car. So i won't suggest you to go with that option.
Aug 24, 2011
Re: Should I sell my car or keep it in unused for 2 years?

Sell off. You will get good price as running is less & after 2 yrs, it will be 6+ yrs old & seling then will be even tougher as the model would be absolete.

If you are married give that car to your wifey & ask her to drive it regularly.

Rest of the options mentioned by you should not be considered.
Jun 22, 2011
Re: Should I sell my car or keep it in unused for 2 years?

It seems that you are departing from your car for two years’ timeframe.
The best should be sell it off in your personal network
Use the local newspapers don’t disclose them that you are moving away for two years this may drop the price relatively just be patient and give reason like ‘Upgrade to big car’
As it is 2008 car its wise to sell it off at this point of time.
All the best
Jun 14, 2012
Re: Should I sell my car or keep it in unused for 2 years?

Just sell it. In two years your taste might change and it would be wise to buy a new/used car of your choice.
It's not worth keeping a depreciating asset locked up.
Apr 6, 2012
F Deck
How to prepare your car for hibernation?

Guys I will be going abroad for 3 months and my car will be standing for this period. The car might be driven, but chances are rare. Do I need to make any preparations or leave her like that only? Need your suggestions on this. Here's the info
Car make: TATA Manza Quadrajet
Fuel: Diesel
Parking area: Apartment basement
I don't have car cover. Do I need to buy one?
I am waiting for your kind suggestions.
Feb 2, 2010
Margao, Goa
Re: How to prepare your car for hibernation?

Why not have someone to run it once a week. That's more than enough to keep it in good health.
May 11, 2011
Re: How to prepare your car for hibernation?

Nice thread as it helps many members, I know very few points to maintain a car for longer term. I have the following points as per my knowledge:

1) Keep the tyre pressure 2psi more than usual.
2) Open the glasses too little(such that insects shouldn't enter inside) to let the air get in just to kill the moisture which builds up thus spoiling the interiors(Beige is the victim)
3) Give a nice and clean wash to the interiors as well exteriors.
4) Don't too much about technical aspects as i am still a petrol-head, we had the habit of keeping at-least of 1/2 a tank of petrol as it exhausts easily, to be on the safer side 1/4th of tank of diesel should do the job.
Jul 27, 2012
Gurgaon and Delhi
Mates,in December last year I left my Esteem parked in my house for three months while I went to US.My car had more than half tank of petrol and air etc was perfectly filled in tyres.
I haven't applied handbrakes and have rolled down both the rear windows by about 1 mm.
When I returned back in first week of March I found my car parked as it was,neither it was driven for even a meter nor it was started even a single time.
On the next day when I tried to start my car then it refused to start,there was simply no current in the battery.Soon we got a mechanic who came with his own battery,started my car and kept it started for about half hour and then I left driving the car.
No issues at all,I left the car with half tank and my meter was still showing about half tank only.
So I think one just needs to disengage the handbrake roll down windows a bit and leave the car.It is safe,but yes,my handbrake remained very tight for first 20-25 engages,after that it again became normal.
Sep 7, 2015
What should we do If we leave our car for 3 months with out using it.

Hi team,

I am using CIAZ ZDI. I will be out of station for about 3 months. Could you please let me know what precautions that I take care before leaving so that my car condition will be good after 3 months



Honoured Member
Apr 21, 2012
New Delhi
Re: What should we do If we leave our car for 3 months with out using it.

1.Get the car cleaned and keep it in a cover.

2. Fill the fuel tank. It will keep any moisture away and prevent rusting of the fuel tank.

3. Check the tyre air pressure.

4. If someone is available ask him to start the car once in a week for 5-10 minutes. If no one is available remove the negative terminal of the battery. Apply petroleum jelly on the terminal to avoid rusting.

5. Dont use the parking brakes. Use any other method (bricks) to prevent it from moving.

6.take out any food items from the car.

7. I also read before to change the oil and oil filter as well. Used oil can create problem and build up sludge. Won't cost you that much. Do drive some kilometers after changing the oil.
Mar 5, 2016
Re: What should we do If we leave our car for 3 months with out using it.

The following can be useful to you:

#1. Park indoors (if possible) or invest on a good car cover

#2. Remove the spark plugs and spray a little oil into plug sockets before putting the plugs back again. This will help to prevent the insides of the cylinder-head rusting and keep away the moisture.

#3. Do not engage the handbrake when you leave.Engaging the handbrake over an extended period can result in the brake pads getting stuck to the discs or drums.

#4. Remove the battery if you're going away for 3 months. Store the battery in a cool and dry place, well away from direct sunlight.

#5. Clean the interiors thoroughly before parking the car. Left trash in cars, like chocolate or biscuit, water bottles etc could rot or, worse, attract rodents that can damage floor mats, seat covers and even wiring. Also clean the exteriors of the car to remove any oil or other dirt that may have gathered on the car body.

#6. Fill up the fuel tank. This will keep away moisture entering the tank and prevent rusting of the fuel tank.

#7. Check the tyre pressure and make sure the tyres are at the correct pressure. Proper inflation help prevent cracking of the sidewalls and flat spots.
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