Re: Isuzu D-Max V-Cross Ownership Review: Remapped 165BHP [16K Kms Crossed]
Gentlemen an aftermarket tune and a manufacturer given upgrades are two completely different ball games - a manufacturer has the access to update not just the ECU but the entire car and every physical component including varying tolerances across the board by updating components (software apart) eg:- turbo/injectors/exhaust/clutch plates/brakes etc. They dont really technically advertise what else was done when the power was bumped up!
A tuner can only vary so much in a software - also if you notice the standard principles of upgrade which include stage 1/stage /stage 3 - you will see how the incremental upgrades have to be done considering the entire cycle of combustion from inlet to exhaust.
A tuner can tune 25-30% more or even higher - but the point is can your turbo handle it , can the inter-cooler cool enough ? can the clutch handle the new peak torque ? what happens to exhaust and cat? etc etc - there are n number of such items one needs to consider. Tolerances across the board have to taken in to account and if continuous strain is put, it will eventually impact somewhere else.
Also a tuned vehicle for a few years running fine doesnt mean much - practically could be a owner driving in the same old fashioned way without hitting tolerances - ex:- i have a 210+ bhp Pajero sport - i havent upgraded any other physical component - yes i do better over takes once a while and have that little bit extra fun - but I am careful not to overdo it and hit the tolerances all the time and put strain on the system. I still drive it the same old fashioned way and still get 12-13.5 kmpl in my old driving style.
My suggestion was not do it in such vehicles - as i found them flaky ECU wise(especially the XUV) and tolerances gamble might not be worth it - unless you are wanting to experiment , take your chances and be an enthusiast, but do understand every upgrade can come with its set of issues it will cause downstream. I have a good friend who has upgraded the Vcross to 196 bhp dynoed on the wheels - yes he has an upgraded turbo/exhaust too(and many more) and is a true blue enthusiast who is willing to take chances - and yes he has a fair share of problems too which the upgrades created and which he is prepared to handle. So make the changes and be aware of the caveats is the moral of the story.
Meanwhile here is a must see video for Isuzu owners especially - all about their history, its a nice watch!