Why the hell the dealer wants to sell the TD car,? Is he going to shut down the dealership? If not then how he is going to sell new cars, without giving full and proper TD?
New custemer s will always take a full TD, obviously they won't shellout rs 15 lakhs without TD. As the custemers are not going to be a first timers, hence they will put the TD car under proper test for suspension, GC at worst conditions.
Also TD car will be revved to at least 3 to 4 k rpm, by the TD custemer, which will void the running in rules.
Running in is a most important factor in the cars future ,. Running in allows the cars aluminium pistons, crank case , valves to gradually swell and acclimatise the hot engine condition s. If engine is revved at high rpm during running in , its parts will have mismatched dimensions, leading to permanent malfunction, low f e, misfire, low power.It will require FREQUENT REPAIR WORK . It is ok for dealer to get it done. But for an individual custemer, it going to be headache , loss of peace of mind. Yes, cost of headache will be the discount qouted.
Ideally TD cars go back to factory for reasearch purpose after they complete 60 to 80 k running, So it is better not to become lab guineapig.
Bye the way, how does dealer selects TD custemer s?, to prevent them from revving the car, prevent them from testing suspension, GC .