Though you cover the car , the under body is free and its the way for the rats.
Tobacco doesnt give you cigar smell inside the cabin .
I mean tobacco leaf.
Spraying chilly powder near tires and below the engine area keeps rats away, it burns there body.
Try some in your hand if you have doubt
It helped in my estilo. It was a brand new parked inside the home. Rat menace was more.
Now the marina is bigger and not possible to park inside home. Its in road itself the whole day. Now rats don't enter this car often. Only when its parked for 5 days without opening it comes inside. That too only left side . chews nothing ! but put its waste in mat. All indigo and indica have a hole near the dash end which connects outside body, bend hard to find them . But its very small .
As i regularly use my car there is nil rat problem though its parked outside.
My area is developing and is somewhat famous for snakes . So rats must be eaten by them .
Ha Ha Ha