How Safe Our Highways Are To Travel With Family?

Apr 13, 2016
Found this link online and I think it should be some what useful. To register a complaint now one doesn't need to visit a Police Station and instead can register a complaint online through below link.

We find a search box from the above web page where we can enter any Indian state name and find respective useful websites from those states. For example I picked below link from the resulted list as searched for 'Tamil Nadu'.

I somehow feel that any complaints registered through online will be taken up/traced more effectively than the ones registered through personal visits. I also see few links for mobile apps, but not sure if the Mobile Apps are effective enough as I'm yet to try. Will give a try and update my experience later.

If we come back to the above discussed scenarios, then we may not get instant help from these websites but surely we can trace the rogues and lessen such activities.
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Thread Starter #17
Aug 5, 2013
I did lot of round trips to my native (RAJAHMUNDRY, AP)(including day and night) from bangalore. But i never faced such kind of problem any time.

I used to go via bangalore-mulabagala-chittor-tirupathi-nayudupet-nellore-ongole-guntur-vijayawada-eluru-ravulapalem-rajahmundry.

the above mentioned road is safe as its having lot of traffic including passenger vehicles and road transport buses.

Even i have travelled in bangalore-hyderbad highway, i never encountered this kind of situation.
Nov 18, 2015
my suggestion would be if ever that situation arises and you are the only male with the family please never ever engage with the strangers no matter what level they provoke you to.
i know its really tough thing to do but always keep one thing in mind that in case anything happens to you what'll happen to your family.
so always try to avoid them as much as possible and always assume that reasoning would be useless against them as they are only looking to create trouble so no matter what you try to reason it won't turn up well.
especially at an unknown place never try to stop and if you are travelling late at night try to have another male for company.
it really helps you might loose your temper but your friend might be cool enough to assess the situation.
Apr 13, 2016
my suggestion would be if ever that situation arises and you are the only male with the family please never ever engage with the strangers no matter what level they provoke you to.
i know its really tough thing to do but always keep one thing in mind that in case anything happens to you what'll happen to your family.
so always try to avoid them as much as possible and always assume that reasoning would be useless against them as they are only looking to create trouble so no matter what you try to reason it won't turn up well.
especially at an unknown place never try to stop and if you are travelling late at night try to have another male for company.
it really helps you might loose your temper but your friend might be cool enough to assess the situation.
But here the point is that they just overtake your vehicle and force you to stop by obstructing your way, then pull you forcefully into argument. Who knows they may go to any extent with you and your family regardless of whether you argue with them or not.
Nov 18, 2015
What we shouldn't do?
  • Take unknown or poor reputation carrying routes during late or early hours
  • Keep driving slow and steady even after you observe something fishy (This is done in this case)
  • Ignore someone following you (Better stop at some populated place or speed away)
  • Don't stop even if someone is forcing you to stop, I have a technique which I myself follow and it works for me at least. At max you can get a dent on your car but the safety of yours as well as your family should be your top priority

What to do then?
  • Always select a route like a good highway or the route where you have people known to you (Like say the way to our native village where even if you don;t know anyone; people know you from the name of your family and village)
  • No matter you run over someone, hit their car or bike or have to drive with a flat tyre. Just don't stop in a secluded place at any cost (I have driven even up to 20-30 kms on highways with flat tyre during midnight waiting for right place to stop every time)
  • If someone is following then either stop at some restaurant for a tea/coffee break or stop your car at some police check post.

Note: Such people normally stay away from local vehicles, cabs, rashly driven vehicles, full size SUVs (not these puny sub 4m ones), over speeding vehicles (No one will ever dare to block your way by overtaking if you are doing 100+)
i know at times like this our patience is thoroughly tested but avoid them at any cost around secluded places as being with family we simply can't match the miscreants as a sense of fear for our family members is there so the best way to avoid that situation is to not stop or when they try anything for the first time itself it's better to zoom away ASAP.
Mar 31, 2017
As soon as the car stopped, we were out and ran towards the Zen taking hold of it's driver and front passenger just to find out that it was a family in the car who was just following us because they weren't feeling safe driving alone on this stretch.
Ha ha. [lol]
This happened with me recently when I was on my way to Kumbhalgarh. The road from Ranakpur to Sayra is ghat and jungle section and you don't see anyone after 7 PM. It was 9 PM and a guy was following our car in his Splendor. His pace was directly proportionate to our speed. At a time we realized that he is chasing us so we took out pepper spray and rod. He immediately came besides and requested that he is not having headlights so he is following our car. It was a poor man with wife and kid sitting on petrol tank. Afterwards we had let him follow us till Sayra.

By the way I am here to discuss another horrific incident which took place near Sabot (Yamuna Expressway). Four females of family have been raped after loot. It's a gang which keeps excel or wrinch with them. They throw excel or wrinch so that you think that your vehicle excel is broken and you stop the vehicle and then suddenly half a dozen people will appear. In yesterday's case they punctured the Maruti EECO tyre.

highway loot gangrape axle gang west uttar pradesh criminals - Jurm AajTak

Generally I do keep pepper spray with me and some chilli powder but that isn't good for 6 people. I am not planning to buy arm license.


Honoured Member
Oct 15, 2011
Some Village
At night, On two way roads,I sometimes form an unofficial convoy by getting between cars/vans traveling at similar speeds. Makes one feels safe, and one is also saved from High beam glare of idiots!
Jul 12, 2015
They are not even allowing my friend to call local police.

Looks like they are trying to collect some money from him, but with the help of some local people some how they have escaped. After this incident also that guy followed my friends car for almost 10 kms.
Such cases are happened in Pune as well. They will try to create Chaos with their gang and will looted you.

My friend ( PSI - from Maharashtra Police ) told me that in such cases we should try to get connect with local police without arguing with them much. If you find things are going out of scope then we should try to collect some on road going people by which chaos get some limited scope.

Very first thing .. in lonely road never stopped your car though someone come in front of you... Without leaving car ask them to meet more further at some of crowded place like road side dhaba or hotels.

Normally these people put their track on specific spots only so try to avoid to get hault and argue on such places.

We should inform our family member ( before started journey ) . always dial 100, in any such of weird cases, without hesitant.

I traveled to GOA, Gujrat and Karnataka with my car but never faced any such issues .
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