Depends! But listen to the explanations of run from different dealers in your locality. If you are buying Maruti Cars, the Odo is within 20 in Kolkata (my Alto had 18 on Odo when I bought it). For Tata it's 50+ or 200+ in Kolkata. All the dealers in Kolkata and Subarban areas said the same thing like Tata Motors unload the cars either at Kharagpur or at Singur. If Kharagpur, it will be taken to Singur which is around 170. If it is Singur, it will be 0. This is at the time of first PDI @ Singur. But when I will be taking the delivery from Kolkata showroom, the car has to be driven another 50 from Singur. I know these are quite unacceptable figures, but that's how Tata VFM cars are sold!
Due to my tight budget and realtively wide ASS network, I have agreed to this.
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