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Hi All
This is Sudhan from the Garden and Silcon City Bangalore, a software engg by profession and a salesman by heart.
Born and Brought up in the City of Madras, work has taken me to Delhi and Hyderabad where I spent considerable before coming into Bangalore.
Have taken a read into the rules of the Forum and I hope I greatly abide by it unintentionally also.
The Car thats I currently drive is Honda City ZX and flying machine my good old Yamaha RX 135, 1999 series.
Feels good to be a part of TAI forum and hope to value the knowledge I receive and share.
Sudhan![Smile [:)] [:)]](
This is Sudhan from the Garden and Silcon City Bangalore, a software engg by profession and a salesman by heart.
Born and Brought up in the City of Madras, work has taken me to Delhi and Hyderabad where I spent considerable before coming into Bangalore.
Have taken a read into the rules of the Forum and I hope I greatly abide by it unintentionally also.
The Car thats I currently drive is Honda City ZX and flying machine my good old Yamaha RX 135, 1999 series.
Feels good to be a part of TAI forum and hope to value the knowledge I receive and share.
![Smile [:)] [:)]](