Theft its happening !
i do roll up windows , if its down esp in signal to avoid these kinda theft , from beggars and eunuch
i never ever stop my car or bike to give lift for people.
i never ever stop near a accident spot , even if i see people dying. (have seen some struggling people but not dying one so far.)
If its a traffic jam due to accident i stay up in car with windows and locks up . else get down and lock the car and keep an eye on it .
Many fake accident suffering takes place in highways.
Is this due to higher living price and lesser job , or pure laziness for quick money
i do roll up windows , if its down esp in signal to avoid these kinda theft , from beggars and eunuch
i never ever stop my car or bike to give lift for people.
i never ever stop near a accident spot , even if i see people dying. (have seen some struggling people but not dying one so far.)
If its a traffic jam due to accident i stay up in car with windows and locks up . else get down and lock the car and keep an eye on it .
Many fake accident suffering takes place in highways.
Is this due to higher living price and lesser job , or pure laziness for quick money