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Car washing requires quite a lot of care.
The success of
SNOW FOAM WASH depends the three main factors - the right combination of 1. car wash detergent, 2. compressed air, and 3. water that when mixed together at optimal ratios, are what creates a thick and lustrous consistency of snow foam.
It’s not that the chemical composition of car shampoo that we use is only important but, equally the water quality & pressure applied over the paint surface is also important. Generally, we should avoid the water pressure to the strongest, fastest rip current level as that takes away all our protective coats.
Therefore, we should ensure that the foam is pH neutral, not harsh, dissolves well, has the benefit of softening and encapsulating dirt and road grime, also importantly easily washed away / rinse off by moderate pressure of water, depending on the weather, usually after about 5 minutes or so is a good average dwelling time.
We have to note, In a country like
INDIA we have more of inorganic dirt and road grime that can’t be easily softened. Removing natural, organic dirt is easy as just like soaking our dirty plates and pans in soapy water that softens the stuck food particles and makes them so much easier and safer to clean without having to resort to more aggressive scrubbing and damaging the surface.
Disadvantage that always noted:
1. The Shine does not come easily.
2. Need of more water.
3. Recommended dilution may not always work everywhere at it depends upon the quality of water used @ TDS level and hardness; We may need to try a different dilution or another brand in case a famous brand doesn't work for us.
4. Generally, a snow foam wash is considered as a pre-wash treatment or preparation for the hand wash stage, then need to proceed to normal few bucket hand wash stage with our regular shampoo where it will be a more effective wash.
My Choices:
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