Mini h1 is good if you take into consideration the ease of installation its more like plug n play, but again good if you don't wanna use it on dark highway roads as it does not have much distance vision and lots of foreground light. I used gatling gun with mini h1. In case of rx350 installation is real pain and time consuming since it was a diy i used spare set of headlight to work on as i was aware it won't be a day or two job atleast with me. Rx350 requires trimming probably widening the h4 hole of reflector using dremel and then other small holes for mounting projector. But @55w 5000k its real great for driving and much better improvement over mini h1 as my main priority was 50w output and good high beam. As i painted bezel and reflector and since cutting reflector cause cutting of parking light location so had to made provision for parking light which increased the time of retrofit. With rx350 i used e-46 shroud. Although e46 came with centric ring if one wants to install it on 2.5" projector. That is separate thing one can order with shroud . Mini h1 is good projector for city and for moderate and not so dark highway roads you can use a foreground limiter with it to control excess foreground light