Correct Usage of Clutch While Braking?

Nov 26, 2012
I had this doubt in me for quite long and till now i haven't got it correct .

I have a habit of applying clutch before aplying brake ( i dont ride on clutch).

Is this correct way of doing ? Curious to know how everyone does it.
Exclude the case of panic braking !!

A few questions related to this,

(1) If brake is applied before clutch, will the backpressure in the drivetrain affect the clutchwear ? I feel this in my Alto.

(2) Does cars come with auto clutch while braking ?

Being a novice in this field, please enlighten me.
It is always safe to brake on gear.

It is advisable to apply clutch before Zero speed and not to force engine to a shutdown on gears as it affects the engine.
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Feb 8, 2011
The Driving instructor told me to always use the clutch before braking and having driven for 15 days like that, I am finding it hard to use the brakes before the clutch. I noticed that the correct way is to brake and downshift and not use the clutch to steer the vehicle at turning, but I always tend to do that as I have been taught so.

In the diesel vehicle, the clutch is hard and not soft like the petrol I used to drive, and it accelerates pretty fast(no engine breaking) if I leave the clutch a little too soon. I have found myself in some sticky situations doing this sometimes. But I have learnt to let the clutch really really slowly so the vehicle doesn't fly away and then press gas when it has the appropriate speed for the 2nd gear(5-10kmph usually).

So, will it affect the clutch in anyway? Apart from the clutch wearing down sooner, do I really need to unlearn this skill and learn brakes before clutch which seems a little harder to do, as there are more chances of stalling, especially as I am a beginner? I don't ride the clutch at all. Just use it more when turning instead of gas pedal
Hey GoodBurner, First welcome to TAI on behalf of all friends here.

Yes, me too learnt in the same way as you have. Being a bike rider, I tend to use the clutch very often. But, slowly I have learnt to apply clutch only at the zero speed as ALEX mentioned.

It is better for you to unlearn you skill and learn the proper skill of applying clutch when necessary.
Nov 6, 2012
The Driving instructor told me to always use the clutch before braking and having driven for 15 days like that, I am finding it hard to use the brakes before the clutch. I noticed that the correct way is to brake and downshift and not use the clutch to steer the vehicle at turning, but I always tend to do that as I have been taught so.

In the diesel vehicle, the clutch is hard and not soft like the petrol I used to drive, and it accelerates pretty fast(no engine breaking) if I leave the clutch a little too soon. I have found myself in some sticky situations doing this sometimes. But I have learnt to let the clutch really really slowly so the vehicle doesn't fly away and then press gas when it has the appropriate speed for the 2nd gear(5-10kmph usually).

So, will it affect the clutch in anyway? Apart from the clutch wearing down sooner, do I really need to unlearn this skill and learn brakes before clutch which seems a little harder to do, as there are more chances of stalling, especially as I am a beginner? I don't ride the clutch at all. Just use it more when turning instead of gas pedal
Can you guess why were you taught this way by driving instructor? [glasses]

That's because while learning to drive, we are always in 1st or 2nd gear. If we brake on such low speeds, we will stall the engine.

But on higher gears and speed, car will not stall unless we go below 20kmph speeds. So press clutch just before you feel the car is about to stall or you feel gears might start grinding and shift to lower gear.

And the stuff regarding engine braking before Red Signal or toll booths: Whatever our so called "Experts" say, I slowly brake on 5th gear and press clutch when speeds go below 30 and shift to 1st gear and come to stop. I rather change brakepads after 2 years than idiotically downshift whenever I see a red signal.
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